Protected Areas : Linnaea borealis

Page 1 of 2, showing 100 records out of 107 total

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Name Type IUCN Category Area acres Country  State  Species Website Climate Land Use
Adamello Presanella 69894 Italy  
Algonquin Provincial Park Provincial Park IV 1868802 Canada Ontario
Baikalskiy Biosphere Reserve Zapovednik Ia 458883 Russia  
Basegi Zapovednik Zapovednik Ia 93739 Russia Perm
Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve National Nature Reserve   United Kingdom Scotland
Belovezhskaya Pushcha Biosphere Reserve National Park II 218515 Belarus
Bering Land Bridge National Preserve National Preserve Ib 2823882 United States Alaska
Blumenthal 338 Germany  
Bolshekhekhtsirsky Zapovednik Zapovednik Ia 112282 Russia Khabarovsk
Bory Tucholskie 797004 Poland  
Brenta 73487 Italy  
Bruce Peninsula National Park National Park II   Canada Ontario
Caenlochan 12860 United Kingdom Scotland
Cairngorms 142543 United Kingdom Scotland
Caithness and Sutherland Peatlands 354692 United Kingdom Scotland
Cape Breton Highlands National Park National Park II 234333 Canada Nova Scotia  
Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve Nature Reserve V 619089 China Jilin  
Chippewa Nature Center Nature Center   United States Michigan    
Coram Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 7460 United States Montana
Denali Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 1932364 United States Alaska
Dolina Dolnego Bugu 183624 Poland  
Dolina Slupi 92595 Poland  
Dorzecze Parsety 68474 Poland  
Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve National Historical Reserve V   United States Washington
Elk Island National Park National Park II 47171 Canada Alberta
Forillon National Park National Park II 61010 Canada Quebec  
Fundy National Park National Park II 52716 Canada New Brunswick
Gates of the Arctic National Park National Park Ib 184461 United States Alaska
Georgian Bay Islands National Park National Park II   Canada Ontario
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve National Park Ib 591068 United States Alaska
Glen Tanar 10329 United Kingdom Scotland
Great Smoky Mountains National Park National Park II 515454 United States North Carolina, Tennessee
Gros Morne National Park National Park II 476632 Canada Newfoundland
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve National Park Reserve II 366714 Canada British Columbia
Hubbard Brook Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 7809 United States New Hampshire
Isle Royale Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve Ib 571799 United States Michigan
Ivvavik National Park National Park II 2382752 Canada Yukon
Jezioro Lubie i Dolina Drawy 37181 Poland  
Katmai National Park and Preserve National Park Ib 421782 United States Alaska
Katunsky Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 393162 Russia Altai
Kejimkujik National Park National Park II 94203 Canada Nova Scotia
Kluane National Park and Reserve National Park Reserve II 5463436 Canada Yukon
Kobuk Valley National Park National Park Ib 1576553 United States Alaska
Kouchibouguac National Park National Park II 59161 Canada New Brunswick
Kronotskiy Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 361480 Russia  
La Mauricie National Park National Park II 131706 Canada Quebec
Lake Clark National Park and Preserve National Park Ib 386679 United States Alaska
Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area National Recreation Area V 103172 United States Washington
Lake Superior Provincial Park Provincial Park IV 351011 Canada Ontario
Laplandskiy Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 757114 Russia  
Lasy Ilawskie 62316 Poland  
Lüneburger Heide 57541 Germany  
Magadansky Zapovednik Zapovednik 2332834 Russia  
Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve National Park Reserve II 20461 Canada Quebec
Mont Avic e Mont Emilius 77947 Italy  
Monte di Scerscen - Ghiacciai di Scerscen - Monte Motta 23885 Italy  
Moray Firth 373987 United Kingdom Scotland  
Morrone Birkwood 787 United Kingdom Scotland
Morven and Mullachdubh 2265 United Kingdom Scotland
Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Reserve 293047 Canada British Columbia  
Nahanni National Park Reserve National Park Reserve II 1309627 Canada Northwest Territories
Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 470167 Canada Ontario  
Noatak Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 7500143 United States Alaska  
North Pennine Moors 254789 United Kingdom England
North York Moors 108930 United Kingdom England
Okskiy Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 190748 Russia  
Ostoja Augustowska 264573 Poland  
Ostoja Lidzbarska 21911 Poland  
Ostoja Nadbuzanska 113759 Poland  
Ostoja Slowinska 79446 Poland    
Ostoja Wielkopolska 20824 Poland  
Ostoja Wigierska 39715 Poland  
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve National Park Reserve II 137900 Canada British Columbia
Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso 175751 Italy  
Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio National Park V 333737 Italy
Prince Albert National Park National Park II 976762 Canada Saskatchewan
Prince Edward Island National Park National Park II   Canada Prince Edward Island  
Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve IV 12219 Russia Moscow
Pukaskwa National Park National Park II 459860 Canada Ontario
Puszcza Bialowieska 156041 Poland  
Puszcza Kampinoska Biosphere Reserve 188373 Poland  
Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 277252 Canada Saskatchewan
Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve II 762028 Canada Manitoba
Rocky Mountain Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve II 239938 United States Colorado
San Juan Island National Historical Park National Historical Park III 1674 United States Washington
Sandr Brdy 18515 Poland  
Sayano-Shushenskiy Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve Ia 964620 Russia Krasnoyarsk
Sikhote-Alinskiy Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 978001 Russia  
Southern Appalachian Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 37548505 United States North Carolina, Tennessee  
Stelvio 39831 Italy  
Strathglass Complex 58277 United Kingdom Scotland
Terra Nova National Park National Park IV 125894 Canada Newfoundland
Tsentral'no-Lesnoy Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve Ia 62630 Russia  
Tsentral'no-Sibirskiy Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve Ia 2521510 Russia Krasnoyarsk
Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina (Ubsunur Depression) Zapovednik Ia 798640 Russia Tuva
Uroczyska Puszczy Drawskiej 183887 Poland  
Ussuriysky Zapovednik Zapovednik Ia 99910 Russia Primorsky Krai
Vuntut National Park National Park II 1076795 Canada Yukon
Wapusk National Park National Park II 2614324 Canada Manitoba
Wind Cave National Park National Park II 29471 United States South Dakota
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