EDGE Scores

The worlds mammals and amphibians scored according to how Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered they are.

Page 1 of 176, showing 100 records out of 17,593 total

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Name ED Scale ED Score EDGE Scale EDGE Score
Leiopelma archeyi (Archey's Frog) 44 85.93 100 7.24
Andrias davidianus (Chinese giant salamander) 43 83.42 100 7.21
Boulengerula niedeni (Sagalla caecilian) 31 60.07 95 6.88
Zaglossus bartoni (Eastern Long-beaked Echidna) 29 55.85 94 6.81
Zaglossus attenboroughi (Sir David's Long-beaked Echidna) 29 55.85 94 6.81
Mystacina robusta (New Zealand greater short-tailed bat) 28 55.03 94 6.80
Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis (Purple frog) 56 107.50 93 6.77
Telmatobufo bullocki (Bullock's false toad) 24 47.85 91 6.66
Ambystoma lermaense (Lake Lerma salamander) 22 42.62 90 6.55
Ambystoma mexicanum (Axolotl) 22 42.62 90 6.55
Ambystoma amblycephalum (Blunt-headed salamander) 22 42.62 90 6.55
Ambystoma andersoni (Anderson's salamander) 22 42.62 90 6.55
Ambystoma bombypellum (Axolotl) 22 42.62 90 6.55
Ambystoma dumerilii (Lake Patzcuaro salamander) 22 42.62 90 6.55
Ambystoma granulosum (Granular Salamander) 22 42.62 90 6.55
Ambystoma leorae (Leora's Stream Salamander) 22 42.62 90 6.55
Ambystoma taylori (Taylor's Salamander) 22 42.62 90 6.55
Heleophryne hewitti (Hewitt's Ghost Frog) 21 41.94 89 6.53
Heleophryne rosei (Table Mountain Ghost Frog) 21 41.94 89 6.53
Aegotheles savesi (Enigmatic Owlet-Nightjar) 20 40.261 89 6.492
Leiopelma hamiltoni (brown New Zealand frog) 41 78.78 88 6.46
Lipotes vexillifer (Yangtze River Dolphin) 20 39.11 88 6.46
Proteus anguinus (Olm) 78 150.07 87 6.40
Taudactylus acutirostris (Sharp Snouted Day Frog) 18 35.04 87 6.36
Taudactylus eungellensis (Eungella Day Frog) 18 35.04 87 6.36
Taudactylus pleione (Kroombit Tinker Frog) 18 35.04 87 6.36
Taudactylus rheophilus (Northern Tinker Frog) 18 35.04 87 6.36
Burramys parvus (Mountain Pygmy Possum) 17 34.05 86 6.33
Insuetophrynus acarpicus (Barrio's Frog) 17 33.58 86 6.32
Gymnogyps californianus (California Condor) 17 33.39 86 6.31
Parvimolge townsendi (Townsend's dwarf salamander) 35 68.03 86 6.31
Strigops habroptila (Kakapo) 16 32.372 86 6.28
Philoria frosti (Baw Baw Frog) 16 32.23 86 6.28
Necturus alabamensis (Black Warrior River Waterdog) 33 63.29 85 6.24
Solenodon cubanus (Cuban Solenodon) 32 61.54 85 6.22
Solenodon paradoxus (Hispaniolan Solenodon) 32 61.54 85 6.22
Bunolagus monticularis (Riverine Rabbit) 14 28.81 84 6.17
Dicerorhinus sumatrensis (Sumatran rhinoceros) 14 28.79 84 6.17
Pipa myersi (Myers' Surinam Toad) 30 58.25 84 6.16
Arthroleptides dutoiti (Du Toit's torrent frog) 14 28.52 84 6.16
Conraua derooi (Togo slippery frog) 14 27.40 83 6.12
Rhynochetos jubatus (Kagu) 28 55.382 83 6.112
Diceros bicornis (black rhinoceros) 13 27.18 83 6.11
Telmatobufo venustus (Chile Mountains false toad) 27 53.06 82 6.07
Mixophyes fleayi (Fleay's Barred-frog) 27 53.04 82 6.07
Mixophyes iteratus (Giant Barred River-frog) 27 53.04 82 6.07
Lasiorhinus krefftii (Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat) 13 26.14 82 6.07
Pleurodema somuncurense (Somuncura frog) 13 25.47 82 6.05
Rhinoceros sondaicus (Javan rhinoceros) 12 24.84 82 6.02
Houbaropsis bengalensis (Bengal Florican) 12 24.274 81 6.002
Lyciasalamandra billae (Luschan's salamander) 12 24.16 81 6.00
Heteroglaux blewitti (Forest Owlet) 12 24.084 81 5.995
Pithecophaga jefferyi (Philippine Eagle) 12 23.637 81 5.977
Pelobates varaldii (Varaldi's Spadefoot Toad) 24 46.36 80 5.94
Scaphiophryne gottlebei (Red rain frog) 11 22.64 80 5.94
Fregata andrewsi (Christmas Frigatebird) 11 22.678 80 5.937
Leiopelma hochstetteri (Hochstetter's frog) 48 92.69 80 5.93
Bradypus pygmaeus (Pygmy Three-toed Sloth) 11 21.97 80 5.91
Laonastes aenigmamus (Laotian rock rat) 22 44.00 79 5.89
Carpococcyx viridis (Sumatran Ground Cuckoo) 10 21.154 79 5.871
Ambystoma altamirani (Mountain stream siredon) 22 42.62 79 5.86
Ambystoma ordinarium (Michoacan Stream Salamander) 22 42.62 79 5.86
Hyloscirtus chlorosteus (Parjacti treefrog) 10 20.91 79 5.86
Phaeognathus hubrichti (Red Hills Salamander) 21 42.35 79 5.85
Elephas maximus (Asiatic Elephant) 21 42.09 79 5.84
Cryptotriton monzoni (Monzón's moss salamander) 10 20.48 79 5.84
Dendrotriton cuchumatanus (Cuchumatanas bromeliad salamander) 10 20.48 79 5.84
Rhinoderma rufum (Chile Darwin's frog) 10 20.09 78 5.82
Afghanodon mustersi (Paghman mountain salamander) 10 20.05 78 5.82
Anilany helenae (Helena's stump-toed frog) 10 19.90 78 5.81
Chiropterotriton lavae (Pigmy splayfoot salamander) 10 19.78 78 5.81
Chiropterotriton magnipes (Bigfoot splayfoot salamander) 10 19.78 78 5.81
Chiropterotriton mosaueri (Cave splayfoot salamander) 10 19.78 78 5.81
Eurynorhynchus pygmeus (Spoon-billed Sandpiper) 10 19.73 78 5.804
Boehmantis microtympanum (Angel's Madagascar frog) 20 40.25 78 5.80
Nototriton lignicola (Cerro de En Medio moss salamander) 9 19.59 78 5.80
Geronticus eremita (Northern Bald Ibis) 9 19.509 78 5.793
Praslinia cooperi (Cooper's black caecilian) 42 80.80 78 5.79
Alytes muletensis (Mallorcan midwife toad) 41 79.86 78 5.78
Alytes dickhilleni (Betic midwife toad) 41 79.86 78 5.78
Leiopelma pakeka (Maud Island frog) 41 78.78 78 5.77
Melanobatrachus indicus (Black microhylid frog) 20 38.93 78 5.77
Pedionomus torquatus (Plains-wanderer) 20 38.95 78 5.767
Acrocodia indica (Malayan tapir) 19 38.62 77 5.76
Leptodactylodon erythrogaster (Redbelly egg frog) 9 18.92 77 5.76
Thorius aureus (Golden thorius) 9 18.79 77 5.76
Thorius infernalis (Atoyac minute salamander) 9 18.79 77 5.76
Thorius magnipes (Big-footed thorius) 9 18.79 77 5.76
Thorius minutissimus (Oaxacan pigmy salamander) 9 18.79 77 5.76
Thorius minydemus (Minute thorius) 9 18.79 77 5.76
Thorius narismagnus (San Martin pigmy salamander) 9 18.79 77 5.76
Thorius narisovalis (Upper Cerro pigmy salamander) 9 18.79 77 5.76
Thorius pennatulus (Veracruz pigmy salamander) 9 18.79 77 5.76
Sooglossus sechellensis (Seychelles frog) 40 76.79 77 5.74
Sechellophryne pipilodryas (Seychelles palm frog) 40 76.79 77 5.74
Sooglossus thomasseti (Thomasset's frog) 40 76.79 77 5.74
Sechellophryne gardineri (Gardiner's Seychelles frog) 40 76.79 77 5.74
Echinotriton chinhaiensis (Chinhai Spiny Newt) 9 18.52 77 5.74
Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Giant Panda) 19 37.41 77 5.73
Astylosternus nganhanus (Frog) 9 18.33 77 5.73

NA - Not Available

Data provided by EDGE of Existence programme, Zoological Society of London