Rain Forest

Food Chain

Carollia perspicillata
(Seba's short-tailed bat)

Cecropia polystachya

Page 1 of 1, showing 32 records out of 32 total

Animalia Fungi Plantae


Amphibia (amphibians)
Cruziohyla craspedopus
Aves (birds)
Harpia harpyja (Harpy Eagle) TLC
Ramphastos toco (Toco Toucan)
Hymenoptera (ants, bees, wasps)
Atta sexdens (leaf cutter ant)
Eciton burchellii (army ant)
Pegoscapus assuetus (fig wasp)
Lepidoptera (butterflies, moths)
Cryptoses choloepi (sloth moth) TLC
Morpho menelaus (Blue Morpho)
Mammalia (mammals)
Ateles paniscus (black spider monkey)
Bradypus tridactylus (Pale-throated Three-toed Sloth)
Carollia perspicillata (Seba's short-tailed bat) TLC
Desmodus rotundus (vampire bat) TLC
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Capybara)
Inia geoffrensis (Pink River Dolphin) TLC
Myrmecophaga tridactyla (Giant Anteater)
Panthera onca (Jaguar) TLC
Paracheirodon innesi (Piaba)
Sapajus apella (brown capuchin)
Tapirus terrestris (South American tapir)
Caiman crocodilus (Common caiman, Spectacled caiman) TLC
Eunectes murinus (Anaconda, Green Anaconda) TLC
Moina minuta (zooplankton)
Thecadactylus rapicauda (Turniptail Gecko)


Leucoagaricus gongylophorus


Attalea maripa
Cecropia polystachya (Trumpet tree)
Ceiba pentandra (kapoktree)
Ficus citrifolia (shortleaf fig)
Gongora quinquenervis (gongora orchid)
Heliconia psittacorum (parakeetflower)
Hymenachne amplexicaulis (West Indian marsh grass)
Parkia velutina (parkia tree)

Food Chain

Panthera onca

Tapirus terrestris

Attalea maripa

Ecosystem provided by Animals of the Rainforest