Land Use Data for Latitude 35.75 Longitude -83.75Area size: .5 degrees latitude by .5 degrees longitude Locations  Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Agricultural Land UsesForestry - Pastoralism if moderate or higher Cropped Agriculture with mod. intensive livestock Cropped Agriculture with intensive livestock Urban land EcosystemsTemperate humid LivestockCattle Goats Pigs Poultry CropsCereals and cereal products Maize Oil-bearing crops Seed Cotton Soybeans Growing Period (days)270 to 299 Soil TypesAcrisols Cambisols (Horizon differentiation in the subsoil evident from changes in structure, colour, clay content or carbonate content) Unknown TerrainPlain or plateau Slopes (degrees)2 to 5 5 to 8 8 to 16 16 to 30 30 to 45 Population Density (persons per km2)2 to 10 10 to 50 50 to 250 above 250 Infant mortality (per 1000 live births)5 to 10 Mineral ExtractionSite Name (Type) | Minerals |
| Copper, Iron | | Iron | Alcoa Reduction Works (Processing Plant) | Aluminum, Contained or Metal | Appalachian Marble Co. Prospect | Marble, Dimension | Asbury Pit (Surface) | Calcium | Asbury Quarry | Stone, Crushed/Broken, Limestone, High Calcium | Blockhouse Iron Prospect | Iron | Calhoun Prospect | Copper, Zinc | Caney Branch Quarry | Stone, Crushed/Broken | City Quarry Knoxville | Stone, Crushed/Broken, Limestone, General | Creswell Bros. Dredge (Surface) | Sand and Gravel, Construction | Forks of the River Quarry (Surface) | Stone, Crushed/Broken | Hodges Sand Pit (Surface) | Sand and Gravel, Construction | Iron Prospect | Iron | Kincaid Quarry (Surface) | Stone, Crushed/Broken | Knoxville Quarry (Surface) | Clay | Knoxville Sand & Gravel Plant | Sand and Gravel, Construction | Lead Prospect | Lead | Marbledale Quarry | Stone, Crushed/Broken, Limestone, General | Maryville | Zinc | Maryville Plant # 524 Quarry | Stone, Crushed/Broken, Limestone, General | Maryville Plant #524 & Quarry (Surface) | Stone, Crushed/Broken | Plant No. 1 (Processing Plant) | Calcium | Riverside Mine (Surface) | Stone, Crushed/Broken | Sand Machine No 1 (Offshore) | Sand and Gravel, Construction | Sevierville Plant #508 | Limestone, General, Stone, Crushed/Broken | Sevierville Quarry & Plant #508 (Surface) | Stone, Crushed/Broken | Silers Bald Prospect | Lead, Copper | Silers Bald Prospects | Lead, Copper | Townsend Prospect | Manganese | Trotter Zinc Prospect | Zinc, Iron | Westfeldt Prospect | Copper, Zinc | Westfeldt Prospect | Iron, Copper, Zinc | Williams Quarry | Limestone, High Calcium |
Agricultural use data provided by LADA, 2008. "Mapping Land Use Systems at global and regional scales for Land Degradation Assessment Analysis. Version 1.0" Nachtergaele F. & Petri M.