Diet Overlap

Macaca mulatta (rhesus monkey)
Paradoxurus hermaphroditus (Asian Palm Civet)

Common Diet

Ficus minahassae (clustertree)

Common Habitat

Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park
Bach Ma National Park
Bandhavgarh National Park
Bawangling National Nature Reserve
Brahmaputra Valley semi-evergreen forests
Cat Tien National Park
Central Deccan Plateau dry deciduous forests
Central Indochina dry forests
Chhota-Nagpur dry deciduous forests
Chin Hills-Arakan Yoma montane forests
Daweishan Nature Reserve
Deccan thorn scrub forests
Doi Pha Chang Wildlife Sanctuary
Eastern highlands moist deciduous forests
Eastern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
Eastern Himalayan broadleaf forests
Eastern Himalayan subalpine conifer forests
Erawan National Park
Goadavari-Krishna mangroves
Guizhou Plateau broadleaf and mixed forests
Hainan Island monsoon rain forests
Himalayan subtropical broadleaf forests
Himalayan subtropical pine forests
Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary
Indochina mangroves
Indravati Tiger Reserve
Indus River Delta-Arabian Sea mangroves
Irrawaddy dry forests
Irrawaddy moist deciduous forests
Jian Nan subtropical evergreen forests
Kanha Tiger Reserve
Kayah-Karen montane rain forests
Khathiar-Gir dry deciduous forests
Lower Gangetic Plains moist deciduous forests
Luang Prabang montane rain forests
Mae Tuen Wildlife Sanctuary
Mae Wong National Park
Manas National Park
Meghalaya subtropical forests
Mizoram-Manipur-Kachin rain forests
Mountains of Southwest China
Myanmar Coast mangroves
Myanmar coastal rain forests
Narmada Valley dry deciduous forests
Northeast India-Myanmar pine forests
Northeastern Himalayan subalpine conifer forests
Northern Annamites rain forests
Northern dry deciduous forests
Northern Indochina subtropical forests
Northern Khorat Plateau moist deciduous forests
Northern Thailand-Laos moist deciduous forests
Northern Triangle subtropical forests
Northern Triangle temperate forests
Northern Vietnam lowland rain forests
Northwestern thorn scrub forests
Nujiang Langcang Gorge alpine conifer and mixed forests
Om Koi Wildlife Sanctuary
Orissa semi-evergreen forests
Palamau Tiger Reserve
Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary
Phu Phan National Park
Ranthambore National Park
Red River freshwater swamp forests
Royal Chitwan National Park
Salawin National Park
Sanjay Gandhi National Park
Sichuan Basin evergreen broadleaf forests
Simlipal Tiger Reserve
South China-Vietnam subtropical evergreen forests
Southeastern Indochina dry evergreen forests
Southern Annamites montane rain forests
Southern Asia
Southern Vietnam lowland dry forests
Sundarbans freshwater swamp forests
Sundarbans mangroves
Tansa Wildlife Sanctuary
Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands
Thar desert
Tundah Sanctuary
Ujung Kulon National Park
Upper Gangetic Plains moist deciduous forests
Western Himalayan broadleaf forests
Western Himalayan subalpine conifer forests
Yunnan Plateau subtropical evergreen forests

Attributes / relations provided by
1"Fig-eating by vertebrate frugivores: a global review", MIKE SHANAHAN, SAMSON SO, STEPHEN G. COMPTON and RICHARD CORLETT, Biol. Rev. (2001), 76, pp. 529–572