Animalia > Chordata > Aves > Anseriformes > Anatidae > Branta > Branta leucopsisBranta leucopsis (Barnacle Goose)Synonyms: Anas leucopsis (homotypic) Language: French The barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) belongs to the genus Branta of black geese, which contains species with largely black plumage, distinguishing them from the grey Anser species. Despite its superficial similarity to the brant goose, genetic analysis has shown it is an eastern derivative of the cackling goose lineage. |
Uniqueness Scale: Similiar (0) Unique (100) Uniqueness & Vulnerability Scale: Similiar & Secure (0) Unique & Vulnerable (100) ED Score: 3.28674 EDGE Score: 1.45553 |
Adult Weight [1] | 3.882 lbs (1.761 kg) | Birth Weight [2] | 107 grams | Female Weight [6] | 3.497 lbs (1.586 kg) | Male Weight [6] | 3.942 lbs (1.788 kg) | Weight Dimorphism [6] | 12.7 % | | Diet [3] | Granivore, Herbivore | Diet - Plants [3] | 90 % | Diet - Seeds [3] | 10 % | Forages - Ground [3] | 80 % | Forages - Water Surface [3] | 20 % | | Clutch Size [8] | 5 | Clutches / Year [4] | 1 | Fledging [4] | 43 days | Incubation [7] | 24 days | Mating System [2] | Monogamy | Maximum Longevity [5] | 27 years | Migration [9] | Intercontinental | Snout to Vent Length [4] | 26 inches (65 cm) | Speed [10] | 38.028 MPH (17 m/s) | Wing Span [10] | 3.542 feet (1.08 m) | | Female Maturity [5] | 2 years | Male Maturity [5] | 2 years |
Name |
Countries |
Ecozone |
Biome |
Species |
Report |
Climate |
Land Use |
Arctic desert |
Norway, Russia |
Palearctic |
Tundra |
Atlantic mixed forests |
France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark |
Palearctic |
Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forests |
Baltic mixed forests |
Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Poland |
Palearctic |
Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forests |
Celtic broadleaf forests |
Ireland, United Kingdom |
Palearctic |
Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forests |
Iceland boreal birch forests and alpine tundra |
Iceland |
Palearctic |
Boreal Forests/Taiga |
North Atlantic moist mixed forests |
Ireland, United Kingdom |
Palearctic |
Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forests |
Northwest Russian-Novaya Zemlya tundra |
Russia |
Palearctic |
Tundra |
Sarmatic mixed forests |
Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Sweden |
Palearctic |
Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forests |
Scandinavian and Russian taiga |
Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia |
Palearctic |
Boreal Forests/Taiga |
Scandinavian coastal conifer forests |
Norway |
Palearctic |
Temperate Coniferous Forests |
Name |
IUCN Category |
Area acres |
Location |
Species |
Website |
Climate |
Land Use |
26000 |
Spain |
Cabo Busto-Luanco |
28662 |
Spain |
Camargue |
546256 |
France |
Cap Gris-Nez |
138933 |
France |
281453 |
Spain |
Dee Estuary/ Aber Dyfrdwy |
39057 |
England/Wales, United Kingdom |
Dolina Dolnej Wisly |
82926 |
Poland |
Dolna Odra |
72985 |
Poland |
Elbaue Jerichow |
33179 |
Germany |
Estuaires picards : Baie de Somme et d'Authie |
37595 |
France |
Farvandet mellem Skælskør Fjord og Glænø |
39470 |
Denmark |
Grande Brière, marais de Donges et du Brivet |
48813 |
France |
Hammeniederung |
15558 |
Germany |
Harboøre Tange, Plet Enge og Gjeller Sø |
17989 |
Denmark |
Hortobágy National Park |
II |
140004 |
Hungary |
Humber Estuary |
90582 |
England, United Kingdom |
IJsselmeer |
279946 |
Netherlands |
Joutsenaapa - Kaita-aapa |
31592 |
Finland |
Kahtla-Kübassaare |
34639 |
Estonia |
Karrebæk, Dybsø og Avnø Fjorde |
46609 |
Denmark |
Kaugatoma-Lõu |
13282 |
Estonia |
Kemeru nacionalais parks |
94308 |
Latvia |
Kirkkonummen saaristo (SPA) |
35173 |
Finland |
Kiskunsag Biosphere Reserve |
II |
54598 |
Hungary |
Krammer-Volkerak |
15024 |
Netherlands |
Kristiinankaupungin saaristo |
19914 |
Finland |
Krummhörn |
14273 |
Germany |
Kura kurgu |
476839 |
Estonia |
135750 |
Spain |
80430 |
Spain |
Lac du Der |
16151 |
France |
Laguna di Marano e Grado |
40434 |
Italy |
Laki Skoszewskie |
22446 |
Poland |
Laplandskiy Biosphere Reserve |
757114 |
Russia |
Lauwersmeer |
14290 |
Netherlands |
Liminganlahti |
29215 |
Finland |
Luitemaa |
31929 |
Estonia |
168088 |
France |
Markermeer & IJmeer |
169287 |
Netherlands |
Merenkurkun saaristo |
316695 |
Finland |
Mittlere Elbe einschließlich Steckby-Lödderitzer Forst |
47123 |
Germany |
Moray Firth |
373987 |
Scotland, United Kingdom |
Niederung der Unteren Havel |
69882 |
Germany |
North-east Greenland National Park |
II |
237590314 |
Greenland |
Närpiön saaristo |
29228 |
Finland |
Oostvaardersplassen |
13603 |
Netherlands |
Ostfriesische Meere |
14634 |
Germany |
Ostoja Drawska |
380310 |
Poland |
Poldercomplex |
24132 |
Belgium |
Pradolina Warszawsko-Berlinska |
57853 |
Poland |
Præstø Fjord, Ulfshale, Nyord og Jungshoved Nor |
60931 |
Denmark |
Pärnu lahe |
270781 |
Estonia |
Ramsar-Gebiet S-H Wattenmeer und angrenzende Küstengebiete |
1146339 |
Germany |
Randers og Mariager Fjorde og Ålborg Bugt, sydlige del |
96423 |
Denmark |
Reserva de la Biosfera de Doñana Biosphere Reserve |
II |
123801 |
Spain |
Rheiderland |
21461 |
Germany |
Ridöarkipelagen |
13925 |
Sweden |
River Spey |
14158 |
Scotland, United Kingdom |
Rzeka Pasleka |
20803 |
Poland |
Rödkallen-SörÄspen |
17514 |
Sweden |
Saaristomeri |
147873 |
Finland |
Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge |
VI |
23844 |
Oklahoma, United States |
Saltholm og omliggende hav |
17836 |
Denmark |
Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve |
319164 |
Germany |
Seksmiilarin saaristo |
42581 |
Finland |
Severn Estuary/ Môr Hafren |
182155 |
England/Wales, United Kingdom |
Signilskär - Märket |
51966 |
Finland |
Solway Firth |
107829 |
England/Scotland, United Kingdom |
Spreewald Biosphere Reserve |
117355 |
Germany |
Stadil Fjord og Vest Stadil Fjord |
17058 |
Denmark |
Sydöstra Ölands sjömarker |
21728 |
Sweden |
Teicu dabas rezervats |
48554 |
Latvia |
The Broads |
14554 |
England, United Kingdom |
The Wash and North Norfolk Coast |
266284 |
England, United Kingdom |
Trzebiatowsko-Kolobrzeski Pas Nadmorski |
43166 |
Poland |
Tåkern |
13332 |
Sweden |
U. Rhinluch/Dreetzer See, Havell. Luch und Belziger Landschaftsw. |
34455 |
Germany |
Untere Havel/Sachsen-Anhalt und Schollener See |
14194 |
Germany |
Unterelbe |
41304 |
Germany |
Unterelbe bis Wedel |
18350 |
Germany |
Unteres Elbtal |
131510 |
Germany |
Uudenkaupungin saaristo |
140830 |
Finland |
Vidåen, Tøndermarsken og Saltvandssøen |
16057 |
Denmark |
Vilsandi |
45057 |
Estonia |
Vogelschutzgebiet 'Unterer Niederrhein' |
63775 |
Germany |
Vogelschutzgebiet Drömling |
37721 |
Germany |
Vrångöskärgården |
17306 |
Sweden |
Väinamere |
670389 |
Estonia |
Värmlandsskärgården |
53005 |
Sweden |
Vättern (östra) |
158858 |
Sweden |
Võrtsjärve |
73464 |
Estonia |
Waal |
13588 |
Netherlands |
Waddensea Area Nature Reserve with Management Subsidy |
IV |
600666 |
Netherlands |
Waddensea of Schleswig-Holstein Biosphere Reserve |
724639 |
Germany |
Waddenzee |
672193 |
Netherlands |
West Estonian Archipelago Biosphere Reserve |
3854844 |
Estonia |
Zatoka Pucka |
154269 |
Poland |
Zerbster Land |
15338 |
Germany |
Æbelø og kysten ved Nærå |
32388 |
Denmark |
Östliche Kieler Bucht |
184563 |
Germany |
Name |
Location |
IBA Criteria |
Website |
Climate |
Land Use |
Ardboline Island and Horse Island |
Ireland |
B1i, C2 |
Ballum og Husum Enge, Kamper strandenge |
Denmark |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, C2, C3, C4 |
Berezovye islands of Vyborg Bay |
Russia (European) |
A4i, A4iii, B1i |
Biesbosch |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Bjørnøya (Bear Island) |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (to Norway) |
A3, A4i, A4ii, A4iii, B1i, B1ii, B2 |
Bridgend Flats, Islay |
United Kingdom |
A4i, B1i, B2, C2, C6 |
Broadhaven, Blacksod and Tullaghan Bays and parts of the Mullet peninsula |
Ireland |
A4i, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C6 |
Bøtø Nor |
Denmark |
A4i, B1i, C2, C3 |
Coastal areas of eastern Gotland island |
Sweden |
A4i, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C6 |
Coastal areas of eastern Öland island |
Sweden |
A1, A4i, B1i, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3, C6 |
Colonsay and Oronsay |
United Kingdom |
A4iii, B1i, B2, C2, C4, C6 |
Connemara Islands |
Ireland |
B1i, B2, C2, C6 |
Daudmannsøyra |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (to Norway) |
B1i |
De Deelen |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Dollard |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Drumcliff Bay and Ballintemple |
Ireland |
B1i, B2, C2 |
Duvillaun Islands |
Ireland |
B1i, B2, B3, C2 |
Eilean na Muice Duibh, Islay |
United Kingdom |
B1i, B2, C2, C3, C6 |
Eilean nan Ron |
United Kingdom |
B1i, C2 |
Enhjørningens Dal and Pingel Dal |
Greenland (to Denmark) |
B1i |
Eoligarry, Barra |
United Kingdom |
A1, B1i, B2, C1, C2 |
Forlandet National Park |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (to Norway) |
A4iii, B1i, B2, B3 |
Frisian Wadden Sea coast |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Grevelingen |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Groningen Wadden Sea coast |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Groote Wielen |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Gruinart Flats |
United Kingdom |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Haringvliet |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Heden |
Greenland (to Denmark) |
A4i, B1i, B3 |
Hestgerdislón-Hornafjardarfljót |
Iceland |
B1i |
Hochstetter Forland |
Greenland (to Denmark) |
A3, A4i, B1i, B3 |
Hollands Diep |
Netherlands |
A4iii, B1i, B2, C3, C4 |
Hóp-Vatnsdalur |
Iceland |
A4i, B1i |
Hornsea Mere |
United Kingdom |
A4i, B1i, C3, C6 |
Illaunonearaun |
Ireland |
C2 |
Inishbofin and Inishshark (including Davillaun) |
Ireland |
B1i, B2, C2 |
Inishbofin, Inisdooey and Inisbeg |
Ireland |
A1, B1i, C1, C2, C6 |
Inishkea Islands |
Ireland |
A4i, B1i, B2, C2 |
Inishkeel |
Ireland |
B1i, C2 |
Inishkeeragh and Illancrone |
Ireland |
B2, C2, C6 |
Inishmurray |
Ireland |
B1i, B2, B3, C2 |
Inishsirrer, Inishmeane, Gola and Owey Islands |
Ireland |
B1i, B2, C2 |
Inner parts of Kongsfjorden |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (to Norway) |
A3, B1i, B3 |
Irbe strait |
Latvia |
A4i, A4ii, A4iii, B1i, B1ii |
Irbe strait |
Estonia |
A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i, B1ii, C1, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Kahtla-Kübassaare |
Estonia |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Kanin peninsula |
Russia (European) |
A4i, A4iii, B1i |
Karala-Pilguse |
Estonia |
A4i, B1i, C2, C6 |
Kirkkonummi archipelago |
Finland |
B3, C2 |
Kjoveland |
Greenland (to Denmark) |
B1i |
Kolguev island |
Russia (European) |
A4i, B1i, B3 |
Kõrgessaare-Mudaste coast |
Estonia |
A4i, B1i, C2 |
Küdema bay |
Estonia |
A1, A4i, B1i, C1, C2, C3, C6 |
Kurgalski Peninsula |
Russia (European) |
A4i, A4iii, B1i |
Kwade Hoek |
Netherlands |
B1i, B2, C2, C6 |
Laggan Peninsula |
United Kingdom |
A4i, B1i, B2, C2, C3, C6 |
Lake Fluessen, Vogelhoek and Morra |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, C2, C3, C4 |
Lake Sneekermeer and Goingarijp |
Netherlands |
A4i, B1i, B2, C2, C3 |
Lake Veersemeer |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Lake Vendelsjön |
Sweden |
A4i, B1i, C2, C3, C6 |
Lake Volkerak |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Lake Witte and Zwarte Brekken |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, C2, C3, C4 |
Lauwersmeer |
Netherlands |
A4i, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C6 |
Loch of Strathbeg |
United Kingdom |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Lõu bay |
Estonia |
A4i, B1i, C2, C3, C6 |
Luitemaa |
Estonia |
A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i, C1, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Malin Head |
Ireland |
C2, C6 |
Mid Clare Coast including Mutton and Mattle Islands |
Ireland |
A4i, B1i, C2, C3 |
Monach Islands |
United Kingdom |
B1i, B1ii, B2, C2 |
Nemunas delta regional Park |
Lithuania |
A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3 |
Nordenskiøldkysten |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (to Norway) |
A4i, B1i |
North Uist Machair and Islands |
United Kingdom |
A1, B1i, B2, C1, C2, C3, C6 |
North-west Spitsbergen National Park |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (to Norway) |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3 |
Olonets plain |
Russia (European) |
A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3 |
Oosterschelde |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Oostvaardersplassen |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Ottenby |
Sweden |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, C2, C3, C4 |
Oude Venen |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Oudeland van Strijen |
Netherlands |
A4i, B1i, B2, C2, C3 |
Pärnu bay (NEW) |
Estonia |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Rathlin O'Birne |
Ireland |
B1i, B2, C2 |
Riksu coast |
Estonia |
A4i, B1i, C2 |
Rinns of Islay |
United Kingdom |
A4i, B1i, B2, C2, C3, C6 |
Saltholm |
Denmark |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B3, C2, C3, C4 |
Schiermonnikoog |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Seskar island |
Russia (European) |
A1, A4i, B1i |
Shiant Isles |
United Kingdom |
A4i, A4ii, A4iii, B1i, B1ii, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4 |
Siiksaare-Oessaare bays |
Estonia |
A4i, B1i, C2, C3, C6 |
South coast of Germania Land, and Slaedelandet |
Greenland (to Denmark) |
A3, B1i, B2 |
South Spitsbergen National Park |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (to Norway) |
A4i, A4ii, A4iii, B1i, B1ii, B3 |
South Walls and Switha |
United Kingdom |
B1i, B2, C2 |
South-east Svalbard Nature Reserve |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (to Norway) |
A3, A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3 |
Stordal-Moskusoksefjord-Badlanddal-Loch Fyne-Myggbukta |
Greenland (to Denmark) |
A4i, B1i, B2 |
Strandstuguviken |
Sweden |
A4i, B1i, B2, C2, C3, C6 |
Sutu bay |
Estonia |
A4i, B1i, C2, C3 |
Svarfadardalur |
Iceland |
B1i |
Terkaplesterpoelen and Akmarijp |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Tiree and Coll |
United Kingdom |
A1, A4i, B1i, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3, C6 |
Torna: Shoina watershed |
Russia (European) |
A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3 |
Trawbreaga Bay |
Ireland |
B1i, B2, C2, C3 |
Treshnish Isles |
United Kingdom |
A4ii, A4iii, B1i, B1ii, B2, B3, C2, C4, C6 |
Tøndermarsken, Magisterkog and Rudbøl Sø |
Denmark |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Unskaya bay |
Russia (European) |
A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i |
Upper Solway Flats and Marshes |
United Kingdom |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Vadehavet (Wadden Sea) |
Denmark |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Väinameri |
Estonia |
A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i, C1, C2, C3, C4, C6 |
Van Oordt's Mersken |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2, C3, C4 |
Vanamõisa bay |
Estonia |
A4i, B1i, C2, C3 |
Vaygach island |
Russia (European) |
A3, A4i, B1i, B2, B3 |
Vilsandi archipelago |
Estonia |
A1, A4i, B1i, C1, C2, C3, C6 |
Wadden Sea |
Netherlands |
A4i, A4iii, B1i, C2, C3, C4 |
Western part of Germania land |
Greenland (to Denmark) |
A3, A4i, B1i |
Ørsted Dal and Coloradodal |
Greenland (to Denmark) |
B1i, B3 |
Østersletten and Knudshoved, Hold With Hope |
Greenland (to Denmark) |
B1i |
Attributes / relations provided by ♦ 1Storchová, Lenka; Hořák, David (2018), Data from: Life-history characteristics of European birds, Dryad, Dataset, ♦ 2Terje Lislevand, Jordi Figuerola, and Tamás Székely. 2007. Avian body sizes in relation to fecundity, mating system, display behavior, and resource sharing. Ecology 88:1605 ♦ 3Hamish Wilman, Jonathan Belmaker, Jennifer Simpson, Carolina de la Rosa, Marcelo M. Rivadeneira, and Walter Jetz. 2014. EltonTraits 1.0: Species-level foraging attributes of the world's birds and mammals. Ecology 95:2027 ♦ 4Nathan P. Myhrvold, Elita Baldridge, Benjamin Chan, Dhileep Sivam, Daniel L. Freeman, and S. K. Morgan Ernest. 2015. An amniote life-history database to perform comparative analyses with birds, mammals, and reptiles. Ecology 96:3109 ♦ 5de Magalhaes, J. P., and Costa, J. (2009) A database of vertebrate longevity records and their relation to other life-history traits. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22(8):1770-1774 ♦ 6Owen, M., and Ogilvie, MA 1979. Wing molt and weights of Barnacle geese
in Spitsbergen Condor, 81: 42-52 ♦ 7British Trust for Ornithology♦ 8Jetz W, Sekercioglu CH, Böhning-Gaese K (2008) The Worldwide Variation in Avian Clutch Size across Species and Space PLoS Biol 6(12): e303. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060303 ♦ 9Myers, P., R. Espinosa, C. S. Parr, T. Jones, G. S. Hammond, and T. A. Dewey. 2006. The Animal Diversity Web (online). Accessed February 01, 2010 at♦ 10Alerstam T, Rosén M, Bäckman J, Ericson PGP, Hellgren O (2007) Flight Speeds among Bird Species: Allometric and Phylogenetic Effects. PLoS Biol 5(8): e197. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050197 ♦ 11del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ♦ 12Jorrit H. Poelen, James D. Simons and Chris J. Mungall. (2014). Global Biotic Interactions: An open infrastructure to share and analyze species-interaction datasets. Ecological Informatics. ♦ 13Gibson, D. I., Bray, R. A., & Harris, E. A. (Compilers) (2005). Host-Parasite Database of the Natural History Museum, London ♦ 14International Flea DatabaseEcoregions provided by World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF). WildFinder: Online database of species distributions, ver. 01.06 Wildfinder Database |
Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0