Abraxas grossulariata (Magpie Moth) | 4 |
Abraxas sylvata (Clouded Magpie) | 1 |
Abroma temperata | 4 |
Acasis viretata (yellow-barred brindle) | 1 |
Acherontia atropos (Death's-head hawk moth) | 2 |
Acleris cristana (Rufous-margined Button Moth) | 3 |
Acleris ferrugana | 1 |
Acleris forsskaleana | 1 |
Acleris hastiana | 1 |
Acleris holmiana | 1 |
Acleris lipsiana | 1 |
Acleris literana (Sprinkled Rough-wing) | 4 |
Acleris permutana | 1 |
Acleris rhombana (Rhomboid Tortrix) | 2 |
Acleris sparsana | 2 |
Acleris variegana (Garden rose tortricid moth) | 3 |
Acrocercops brongniardella (Leaf Blotch Miner Moth) | 2 |
Acronicta aceris (the sycamore) | 3 |
Acronicta alni (Alder Moth) | 4 |
Acronicta leporina (miller) | 1 |
Acronicta menyanthidis (Light Knot Grass) | 1 |
Acronicta psi (Grey Dagger Moth) | 6 |
Acronicta rumicis (Knot Grass) | 1 |
Acronicta strigosa (Marsh Dagger) | 2 |
Acronicta tridens (Dark Dagger) | 5 |
Aleimma loeflingiana | 2 |
Alsophila aescularia (March Moth) | 6 |
Amphipyra berbera (Svensson's Copper Underwing) | 2 |
Amphipyra pyramidea (copper underwing) | 5 |
Amphipyra tragopoginis (mouse) | 1 |
Anaglyptus mysticus | 1 |
Ancylis achatana | 4 |
Ancylis mitterbacheriana | 3 |
Angerona prunaria (orange moth) | 3 |
Anomoia purmunda | 1 |
Anorthoa munda | 2 |
Anticlea derivata (Streamer) | 1 |
Antitype chi (Grey Chi) | 1 |
Aphelia paleana (Timothy Tortrix) | 1 |
Aphis consona (water lily aphid) | 2 |
Aphrophora alni (Alder Spittle Bug) | 1 |
Apis mellifera (honey bee) | 1 |
Apocheima hispidaria (small brindled beauty) | 5 |
Apodemus flavicollis (Yellow-necked mouse) | 1 |
Apodemus sylvaticus (Old World wood and field mouse) | 2 |
Apoderus coryli (hazel leaf roller) | 1 |
Aporophyla lutulenta (Deep Brown Dart) | 2 |
Aporophyla nigra (Black Rustic) | 1 |
Archips podana (Large Fruit-tree Tortrix) | 1 |
Archips rosana (Rose Tortrix) | 1 |
Arctia caja (garden tiger moth) | 1 |
Argynnis paphia (Silver-washed Fritillary) | 2 |
Argyresthia albistria | 1 |
Argyresthia conjugella (Apple Fruit Moth) | 1 |
Argyresthia curvella (Apple Blossom Tineid) | 1 |
Argyresthia semifusca | 1 |
Argyresthia semitestacella | 1 |
Argyrotaenia ljungiana | 1 |
Asteroscopus sphinx (Sprawler) | 2 |
Athrips mouffetella | 2 |
Atolmis rubricollis (Red-necked Footman Moth) | 1 |
Autographa jota (Plain Golden Y) | 2 |
Batia lunaris (Lesser Tawny Crescent) | 1 |
Biston betularia (peppered moth) | 6 |
Biston strataria (Oak Beauty) | 4 |
Blastodacna atra | 1 |
Blastodacna hellerella | 3 |
Blepharidopterus angulatus (Black-kneed Capsid) | 1 |
Bombus lucorum (White-tailed bumblebee) | 2 |
Bombycilla garrulus (Bohemian Waxwing) | 1 |
Brachylomia viminalis (Minor Shoulder-knot) | 1 |
Bucculatrix ulmella | 2 |
Byctiscus betulae (Hazel Leaf Roller) | 4 |
Cabera pusaria (Common White Wave Moth) | 1 |
Cacoecimorpha pronubana (Carnation Tortrix) | 3 |
Cacopsylla peregrina | 1 |
Caliroa cerasi (pearslug) | 3 |
Callisto denticulella | 1 |
Calliteara pudibunda (Pale Tussock) | 4 |
Callophrys rubi (Green Hairstreak Butterfly) | 1 |
Caloptilia alchimiella | 3 |
Caloptilia robustella | 2 |
Caloptilia rufipennella | 1 |
Campaea margaritaria | 5 |
Capreolus capreolus (western roe deer) | 2 |
Catocala nupta (Red Underwing moth) | 1 |
Catocala promissa (Light Crimson Underwing) | 2 |
Catocala sponsa (Dark Crimson Underwing) | 2 |
Cerioporus leptocephalus (Blackfoot Polypore) | 1 |
Cervus elaphus (wapiti or elk) | 2 |
Chalcosyrphus nemorum | 2 |
Chloris chloris (European Greenfinch) | 1 |
Chlorissa viridata (small grass emerald) | 1 |
Chloroclysta miata (autumn green carpet) | 1 |
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet) | 3 |
Chlorops hypostigma | 1 |
Chondrostereum purpureum (Silverleaf Fungus) | 1 |
Choristoneura diversana | 1 |
Choristoneura hebenstreitella (Mountain-ash tortricid) | 2 |
Cilix glaucata (chinese character) | 3 |
Cleorodes lichenaria (Brussels Lace) | 2 |
Clepsis consimilana | 2 |
Clitocybe phyllophila (Frosty Funnel) | 1 |
Cnephasia incertana (Light Grey Tortrix Moth) | 1 |
Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Hawfinch) | 1 |
Coeliodes rana | 1 |
Coleophora adjectella | 1 |
Coleophora anatipennella | 3 |
Coleophora coracipennella | 3 |
Coleophora flavipennella | 2 |
Coleophora hemerobiella | 2 |
Coleophora ibipennella | 2 |
Coleophora lutipennella | 1 |
Coleophora potentillae | 1 |
Coleophora prunifoliae | 1 |
Coleophora siccifolia | 2 |
Colocasia coryli (Nut-tree Tussock) | 7 |
Colotois pennaria (Feathered Thorn) | 7 |
Columba oenas (Stock Dove) | 2 |
Conistra ligula (Dark Chestnut) | 4 |
Conistra rubiginea (Dotted Chestnut) | 4 |
Conistra vaccinii (Chestnut) | 3 |
Cosmia pyralina (Lunar-spotted Pinion) | 5 |
Cosmia trapezina (Dun-bar) | 6 |
Cossus cossus (Goat Moth) | 1 |
Crocallis elinguaria (Scalloped Oak Moth) | 6 |
Cryptoblabes loxiella | 2 |
Cyanistes caeruleus (Blue Tit) | 2 |
Cyclophora linearia (Clay Triple-lines) | 1 |
Cyclophora porata (False Mocha) | 2 |
Cyclophora punctaria (Maiden’s Blush) | 2 |
Cyclophora puppillaria (Blair's Mocha) | 2 |
Cydia fagiglandana (Beech Moth) | 2 |
Cydia leguminana | 2 |
Cydia pomonella (Codling moth) | 3 |
Cydia splendana (Chestnut Tortrix) | 2 |
Dasineura irregularis | 1 |
Deileptenia ribeata (Satin Beauty Moth) | 1 |
Dichonia aprilina | 2 |
Dicycla oo (heart moth) | 1 |
Diloba caeruleocephala (figure of eight) | 4 |
Ditula angustiorana (Red-barred Tortrix) | 2 |
Diurnea fagella | 4 |
Drepana curvatula (Dusky Hook-tip Moth) | 1 |
Drepana falcataria (Pebble Hook-tip) | 1 |
Drymonia dodonaea (Marbled Brown) | 3 |
Drymonia ruficornis (Lunar Marbled Brown) | 2 |
Dryobotodes eremita (Brindled Green) | 2 |
Ectoedemia albifasciella | 3 |
Ectoedemia subbimaculella | 3 |
Ectropis crepuscularia (small engrailed) | 2 |
Edwardsiana rosae (Rose leafhopper) | 3 |
Eilema complana (Scarce Footman) | 1 |
Eilema lurideola (Common Footman Moth) | 1 |
Eilema sororcula (Orange Footman) | 2 |
Electrophaes corylata (Broken-barred Carpet Moth) | 3 |
Elegia similella | 2 |
Enarmonia formosana (Cherry-bark Moth) | 1 |
Ennomos autumnaria (Large Thorn) | 5 |
Ennomos quercinaria (August Thorn) | 5 |
Epinotia signatana | 1 |
Epinotia solandriana | 1 |
Epiphyas postvittana (Light brown apple moth) | 1 |
Epistrophe grossulariae | 1 |
Erannis defoliaria (Mottled Umber Moth) | 8 |
Eriogaster lanestris (Small Eggar) | 4 |
Erithacus rubecula (European Robin) | 3 |
Eulia ministrana | 1 |
Eupithecia abbreviata (Brindled Pug) | 3 |
Eupithecia dodoneata (Oak-tree Pug) | 2 |
Eupithecia exiguata (Mottled Pug) | 4 |
Eupithecia innotata (Angle-barred Pug) | 1 |
Eupithecia insigniata (Pinion-spotted Pug) | 3 |
Eupithecia inturbata (Maple Pug) | 1 |
Eupithecia irriguata (Marbled Pug) | 4 |
Eupithecia subfuscata (gray pug) | 2 |
Eupithecia virgaureata (Golden-rod Pug) | 2 |
Eupithecia vulgata (Common Pug Moth) | 1 |
Euproctis chrysorrhoea (Brown-tail) | 5 |
Euproctis similis | 1 |
Eupsilia transversa (Satellite) | 5 |
Eurhadina loewii | 1 |
Eurois occulta (great gray dart) | 1 |
Fagocyba cruenta | 6 |
Ficedula hypoleuca (European Pied Flycatcher) | 1 |
Fringilla coelebs (Common Chaffinch) | 1 |
Fringilla montifringilla (Brambling) | 1 |
Gastropacha quercifolia (Lappet) | 4 |
Gelechia rhombella | 1 |
Geometra papilionaria (Large Emerald) | 1 |
Graphiphora augur (Double Dart) | 3 |
Grapholita funebrana (Plum Fruit Moth) | 2 |
Grapholita janthinana | 4 |
Grapholita molesta | 1 |
Graphomya maculata | 1 |
Gymnoscelis lundbladi (Double-striped Pug) | 1 |
Harpocera thoracica | 1 |
Hartigiola annulipes | 1 |
Hebata decipiens | 1 |
Hedya ochroleucana | 1 |
Hedya pruniana | 3 |
Heliozela sericiella | 2 |
Hemithea aestivaria (Common Emerald) | 3 |
Hepialus humuli (Ghost Moth) | 1 |
Herminia grisealis (Small Fan-foot) | 1 |
Heterotoma planicornis | 1 |
Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown house moth) | 1 |
Hoplia dubia | 2 |
Hydrelia flammeolaria (small yellow wave) | 1 |
Hydrelia sylvata (Waved Carpet) | 2 |
Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer) | 1 |
Hylecoetus dermestoides | 1 |
Hymenopellis radicata (Soapy Knight) | 1 |
Iassus lanio | 2 |
Idaea aversata (Riband Wave Moth) | 2 |
Idaea dimidiata (Single-dotted Wave Moth) | 1 |
Incurvaria pectinea | 2 |
Jodia croceago (Orange Upperwing) | 2 |
Jodis lactearia (Little Emerald) | 5 |
Lacanobia thalassina (Pale-shouldered Brocade) | 3 |
Laetiporus sulphureus (Chicken of the Woods) | 1 |
Laothoe populi (Poplar Hawk-moth) | 1 |
Lasiocampa quercus (Oak Eggar) | 2 |
Lasiocampa trifolii (Grass Eggar) | 1 |
Laspeyria flexula (Beautiful Hook-tip) | 3 |
Lithophane ornitopus (grey shoulder-knot) | 2 |
Lithophane socia (pale pinion) | 2 |
Lobesia reliquana | 1 |
Lomographa bimaculata (White-pinion Spotted) | 2 |
Lomographa temerata (Clouded Silver) | 4 |
Lucilia sericata (Green blowfly) | 1 |
Luquetia lobella | 1 |
Lycia hirtaria (Brindled Beauty Moth) | 5 |
Lyctus brunneus (Powderpost beetle) | 1 |
Lymantria dispar (gypsy moth) | 1 |
Lymantria monacha (Black Arches, Nun Moth) | 6 |
Lyonetia clerkella (Apple Leaf Miner Moth) | 2 |
Macrodiplosis dryobia | 2 |
Macrodiplosis volvens | 2 |
Malacosoma neustria (Lackey moth) | 4 |
Mapondera capicola | 2 |
Melanchra persicariae (Dot Moth) | 1 |
Melangyna cincta | 1 |
Meles meles (European Badger) | 2 |
Metriotes lutarea | 2 |
Micropterix tunbergella | 1 |
Mniotype adusta (dark brocade) | 1 |
Mniotype satura (beautiful arches) | 2 |
Mormo maura (Old Lady) | 2 |
Mucidula mucida (Porcelain Fungus) | 1 |
Muscardinus avellanarius (hazel dormouse) | 3 |
Mythimna turca (Double Line) | 1 |
Naenia typica (Gothic) | 4 |
Nematopogon swammerdamella | 1 |
Neosphaleroptera nubilana | 2 |
Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing) | 2 |
Noctua fimbriata (Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing) | 4 |
Noctua interjecta (Least Yellow Underwing) | 1 |
Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing) | 1 |
Nola cucullatella (Short-cloaked Moth) | 4 |
Nycteola revayana (Oak Nycteoline) | 2 |
Nymphalis polychloros (Large Tortoiseshell Butterfly) | 2 |
Ochropacha duplaris (Common Lutestring Moth) | 1 |
Odontopera bidentata (Scalloped Hazel) | 4 |
Operophtera brumata (winter moth) | 7 |
Operophtera fagata (Northern Winter Moth) | 3 |
Opisthograptis luteolata (Brimstone Moth) | 4 |
Orgyia antiqua (Rusty Tussock Moth) | 3 |
Orthosia gothica (Hebrew Character) | 5 |
Orthosia gracilis (Powdered Quaker) | 1 |
Orthosia incerta (Clouded Drab) | 4 |
Orthosia miniosa (Blossom Underwing) | 3 |
Orthosia opima (Northern Drab) | 1 |
Orthotaenia undulana | 1 |
Ourapteryx sambucaria (Swallow-tailed Moth) | 2 |
Pachytodes cerambyciformis | 2 |
Pammene aurita | 1 |
Pammene fasciana (chestnut leafroller) | 4 |
Pammene germmana | 1 |
Pammene regiana | 1 |
Pammene rhediella | 3 |
Pandemis cerasana (Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix) | 2 |
Pandemis corylana | 3 |
Pandemis heparana (Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix) | 1 |
Paradarisa consonaria (Brindled Square Spot) | 1 |
Parasyrphus annulatus | 1 |
Parornix anglicella | 1 |
Parornix finitimella | 2 |
Parornix scoticella | 1 |
Parus major (Great Tit) | 2 |
Pechipogo strigilata | 1 |
Perconia strigillaria (Grass Wave) | 1 |
Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Willow Beauty) | 1 |
Peridea anceps (Great Prominent) | 2 |
Periparus ater (Coal Tit) | 2 |
Phalera bucephala (Buff-tip) | 6 |
Phigalia pilosaria (Pale Brindled Beauty) | 6 |
Phlogophora meticulosa (Angle Shades Moth) | 1 |
Phragmatobia fuliginosa (ruby tiger moth) | 1 |
Phycita roborella | 3 |
Phyllonorycter blancardella | 1 |
Phyllonorycter corylifoliella | 3 |
Phyllonorycter geniculella | 1 |
Phyllonorycter lautella | 2 |
Phyllonorycter maestingella | 1 |
Phyllonorycter messaniella (Oak leafminer) | 5 |
Phyllonorycter muelleriella | 2 |
Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae | 1 |
Phyllonorycter quercifoliella | 2 |
Phyllonorycter roboris | 2 |
Phyllonorycter spinicolella | 2 |
Pica pica (Eurasian Magpie) | 1 |
Plagodis dolabraria (Scorched Wing) | 3 |
Plagodis pulveraria (Barred Umber Moth) | 3 |
Platypus cylindrus | 2 |
Plemyria rubiginata (Blue-bordered Carpet) | 3 |
Poecile palustris (Marsh Tit) | 1 |
Poecilocampa populi (December Moth) | 3 |
Pogonocherus hispidulus | 1 |
Polia hepatica (Silvery Arches) | 1 |
Polia nebulosa (Grey Arches) | 3 |
Polygonia c-album (Comma Butterfly) | 1 |
Polymixis flavicincta (Large Ranunculus) | 1 |
Polyploca ridens (Frosted Green) | 2 |
Prionus coriarius | 1 |
Pseudoswammerdamia combinella | 2 |
Ptilinus pectinicornis | 2 |
Ptilodon capucina (Coxcomb Prominent) | 3 |
Ptilophora plumigera (Plumed Prominent) | 1 |
Ptycholoma lecheana (leches twist moth) | 2 |
Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Eurasian Bullfinch) | 3 |
Recurvaria leucatella (Lesser Budmoth) | 3 |
Recurvaria nanella | 3 |
Rhingia campestris | 1 |
Rhopobota naevana (Holly tortrix moth) | 1 |
Saperda scalaris | 2 |
Saprosites mendax | 1 |
Saturnia pavonia (Emperor moth) | 4 |
Sawadaea bicornis | 1 |
Scathophaga stercoraria (Common Yellow Dung Fly) | 1 |
Sciurus vulgaris (Eurasian red squirrel) | 2 |
Scolytus rugulosus (shothole borer) | 2 |
Scopula immutata (Lesser Cream Wave Moth) | 1 |
Scythropia crataegella | 2 |
Selenia tetralunaria (Purple Thorn) | 2 |
Semioscopis steinkellneriana | 1 |
Sesia bembeciformis (Lunar Hornet Moth) | 2 |
Sitta europaea (Eurasian Nuthatch) | 1 |
Smerinthus ocellata | 1 |
Spilonota ocellana (Eyespotted bud moth) | 1 |
Spilosoma lubricipeda (White Ermine Moth) | 1 |
Stauropus fagi (Lobster Moth) | 5 |
Stenocorus meridianus | 1 |
Stenurella melanura | 2 |
Stigmella atricapitella | 2 |
Stigmella crataegella | 1 |
Stigmella hybnerella | 1 |
Stigmella malella (Banded Apple Pigmy) | 1 |
Stigmella regiella | 1 |
Stigmella ruficapitella | 3 |
Stigmella samiatella | 3 |
Strophedra nitidana | 2 |
Strophedra weirana | 1 |
Sturnus vulgaris (European Starling) | 2 |
Swammerdamia pyrella | 3 |
Sylvia atricapilla (Eurasian Blackcap) | 1 |
Synanthedon melliniformis (Yellow-legged Clearwing) | 4 |
Syndemis musculana | 3 |
Teleiodes luculella | 1 |
Teleiodes vulgella | 1 |
Thecla betulae (Brown Hairstreak) | 3 |
Theria primaria (Early Moth) | 3 |
Thrips major | 1 |
Tiliacea aurago (barred sallow) | 3 |
Tischeria dodonaea | 3 |
Tischeria ekebladella | 3 |
Tortricodes alternella | 1 |
Tortrix viridana (Green tortrix) | 5 |
Trachodes hispidus | 1 |
Trichiura crataegi (Pale Eggar) | 4 |
Trioza remota | 2 |
Turdus iliacus (Redwing) | 3 |
Turdus philomelos (Song Thrush) | 2 |
Turdus pilaris (Fieldfare) | 2 |
Turdus viscivorus (Mistle Thrush) | 3 |
Viscum album (European mistletoe) | 1 |
Watsonalla binaria (Oak Hook-tip) | 2 |
Watsonalla cultraria (Barred Hook-tip) | 1 |
Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) | 2 |
Xestia castanea (Grey Rustic) | 1 |
Xestia triangulum (Square-spotted Clay) | 2 |
Xestia xanthographa (Square-spot Rustic) | 1 |
Xyleborus dryographus | 1 |
Xylena exsoleta (Sword-grass) | 1 |
Xylena solidaginis | 1 |
Yponomeuta evonymella (Full-spotted Ermel Moth) | 1 |
Yponomeuta padella (Common Hawthorn Ermel Moth) | 4 |
Zeuzera pyrina (leopard moth) | 7 |
Zygina angusta | 1 |
Zygina schneideri | 1 |