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Haliaeetus leucogaster
(White-bellied Sea Eagle)
Haliastur indus
(Brahminy Kite)
Common Diet
Cerberus australis
(New Guinea bockadam, Dog-faced Water Snake)
Common Habitat
Admiralty Islands lowland rain forests
Ang Kep Nam Bang Phra Non-hunting Area
Ao Phang Nga National Park
Arnhem Land tropical savanna
Bako National Park
Banda Sea Islands moist deciduous forests
Berbak National Park
Biak-Numfoor rain forests
Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park
Borneo lowland rain forests
Borneo peat swamp forests
Brigalow tropical savanna
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
Buru rain forests
Cape York Peninsula tropical savanna
Cardamom Mountains rain forests
Carnarvon xeric shrublands
Carpentaria tropical savanna
Cat Tien National Park
Chao Phraya lowland moist deciduous forests
Danau Matano - Towuti Recreation Parks
Deccan thorn scrub forests
East Deccan dry-evergreen forests
East Melanesian Islands
Eastern Australian temperate forests
Eastern highlands moist deciduous forests
Eastern Java-Bali rain forests
Einasleigh upland savanna
Goadavari-Krishna mangroves
Greater Negros-Panay rain forests
Gunung Ambang Nature Reserve
Gunung Leuser National Park
Gunung Palung National Park
Halmahera rain forests
Hat Chao Mai National Park
Hat Nopharat Thara - Mu Ko Phi Phi National Park
Huon Peninsula montane rain forests
Jian Nan subtropical evergreen forests
Kerinci Seblat National Park
Khao Khieo-Khao Chomphu Wildlife Sanctuary
Khao Lam Pi - Hat Thai Muang
Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park
Khlong Saeng Wildlife Sanctuary
Kimberly tropical savanna
Komodo National Park
Lesser Sundas deciduous forests
Lore Lindu National Park
Louisiade Archipelago rain forests
Lower Gangetic Plains moist deciduous forests
Luzon rain forests
Malabar Coast moist forests
Mentawai Islands rain forests
Mindanao-Eastern Visayas rain forests
Mindoro rain forests
Mu Ko Chang National Park
Mu Ko Lanta National Park
Mu Ko Libong Non-hunting Area
Mu Ko Similan
Mu Ko Surin National Park
Myanmar coastal rain forests
New Britain-New Ireland lowland rain forests
New Guinea mangroves
Nong Plak Phraya - Khao Raya Bang Sa Non-hunting Area
Northern New Guinea lowland rain and freshwater swamp forests
Northern New Guinea montane rain forests
Orissa semi-evergreen forests
Palawan rain forests
Peninsular Malaysian montane rain forests
Peninsular Malaysian peat swamp forests
Peninsular Malaysian rain forests
Pilbara shrublands
Queensland tropical rain forests
Seram rain forests
Shoalwater and Corio Bays Area Ramsar Site
Solomon Islands rain forests
South China-Vietnam subtropical evergreen forests
Southeastern Papuan rain forests
Southern New Guinea freshwater swamp forests
Southern New Guinea lowland rain forests
Southwest Borneo freshwater swamp forests
Sri Lanka dry-zone dry evergreen forests
Sri Lanka lowland rain forests
Sulawesi lowland rain forests
Sulawesi montane rain forests
Sulu Archipelago rain forests
Sumatran freshwater swamp forests
Sumatran lowland rain forests
Sumatran montane rain forests
Sumatran peat swamp forests
Sumba deciduous forests
Sunda Shelf mangroves
Sundarbans mangroves
Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve
Tanjung Puting National Park
Tarutao National Park
Tenasserim-South Thailand semi-evergreen rain forests
Thale Noi Non-hunting Area
Thaleban National Park
Timor and Wetar deciduous forests
Trans Fly savanna and grasslands
Trobriand Islands rain forests
Ujung Kulon National Park
Vogelkop montane rain forests
Vogelkop-Aru lowland rain forests
Wasur-Rawa Biru National Park
Way Kambas National Park
Western Ghats and Sri Lanka
Western Java rain forests
Wilpattu National Park
Attributes / relations provided by
The prey and predators of Homalopsine snakes
, HAROLD K. VORIS and JOHN C. MURPHY, Journal of Natural History, 2002, 36, 16211632