Diet Overlap

Phalacrocorax auritus (Double-crested Cormorant)
Strix varia (Barred Owl)

Common Diet

Anax junius (green darner)
Corydalus cornutus (dobsonfly)
Lithobates catesbeianus (American Bullfrog)
Nerodia sipedon (Northern Water Snake)
Notemigonus crysoleucas (Golden shiner minnow)
Semotilus atromaculatus (Horned dace)

Common Habitat

Acadia National Park
Algonquin Provincial Park
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
Arkansas Post National Memorial
Big Cypress National Preserve
Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge
Bruce Peninsula National Park
California Coast Ranges Biosphere Reserve
Canaveral National Seashore
Cape Breton Highlands National Park
Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge
Carolinian-South Atlantic Biosphere Reserve
Cedar Creek LTER Site
Central Gulf Coastal Plain Biosphere Reserve
Champlain-Adirondack Biosphere Reserve
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Hist. Park
Chippewa Nature Center
Colonial National Historic Park
Congaree Swamp National Park
Crosswinds Marsh
Cumberland Island National Seashore
De Soto National Wildlife Refuge
Effigy Mounds National Monument
Fathom Five National Marine Park
Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge
Forillon National Park
Fort Caroline National Memorial
Fort Matanzas National Monument
Fort Pulaski National Monument
Fundy National Park
George WA Carver National Monument
George Washington Birthplace National Monument
George Washington Memorial Parkway
Georgian Bay Islands National Park
Gettysburg National Military Park
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Homestead National Monument of America
Horicon National Wildlife Refuge
Hot Springs National Park
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
Jean Lafitte National Hist. Park & Preserve
Kejimkujik National Park
Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct
Konza Prairie Biosphere Reserve
Kouchibouguac National Park
Lacassine National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Superior Provincial Park
Land Between the Lakes Biosphere Reserve
Little River National Wildlife Refuge
Little St. Simons Island
Long Point Biosphere Reserve
Mammoth Cave Area Biosphere Reserve (Natn'l Park)
Mount Rainier National Park
National Capital Region - East
New River Gorge National River
Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve
North America
Oak Ridge National Environmental Research Park
Ocmulgee National Monument
Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge
Olympic Biosphere Reserve
Ozark National Scenic Riverways
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
Prince Albert National Park
Prince Edward Island National Park
Pukaskwa National Park
Redwood National Park
Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve
Rondeau Provincial Park
Roosevelt Vanderbilt National Historic Site
Saint Lawrence Islands National Park
Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge
Santee Coastal Reserve and Washo Reserve
South Atlantic Coastal Plain Biosphere Reserve
Southern Appalachian Biosphere Reserve
Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve
Tawas Point State Park
Tennessee River Gorge
Upper Miss. River Nat'l Wildlife Refuge
Valley Forge National Historical Park
Vicksburg National Military Park
Virginia Coast Biosphere Reserve
Voyageurs National Park
Waterton Biosphere Reserve
Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge

Attributes / relations provided by
1Study of Northern Virginia Ecology