Diet Overlap

Falco rusticolus (Gyrfalcon)
Bubo scandiacus (Snowy Owl)

Common Diet

Lepus arcticus (Arctic Hare)

Common Habitat

Alaska-St. Elias Range tundra
Aleutian Islands Biosphere Reserve
Amur meadow steppe
Arctic coastal tundra
Arctic foothills tundra
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Audubon National Wildlife Refuge
Aulavik National Park
Auyuittuq National Park
Baffin coastal tundra
Barguzinskiy Biosphere Reserve
Beringia lowland tundra
Beringia upland tundra
Bonanza Creek LTER Site
Brooks-British Range tundra
Bruce Peninsula National Park
Central Plains Biosphere Reserve
Daurskiy Biosphere Reserve
Davis Highlands tundra
Denali Biosphere Reserve
Fathom Five National Marine Park
Forillon National Park
Fundy National Park
Gates of the Arctic National Park
Gros Morne National Park
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve
High Arctic tundra
Interior Yukon-Alaska alpine tundra
Ivvavik National Park
Kluane National Park and Reserve
Kola Peninsula tundra
Kronotskiy Biosphere Reserve
Lake Superior Provincial Park
Lake Torne Area
Laplandskiy Biosphere Reserve
Low Arctic tundra
Manchurian mixed forests
Middle Arctic tundra
Mongolian-Manchurian grassland
Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve
Noatak Biosphere Reserve
North-east Greenland National Park
Northeast China Plain deciduous forests
Northern Canadian Shield taiga
Northwest Russian-Novaya Zemlya tundra
Ogilvie-MacKenzie alpine tundra
Okskiy Biosphere Reserve
Olympic Biosphere Reserve
Ostrov Vrangelya (Wrangel Island) Zapovednik
Prince Albert National Park
Pukaskwa National Park
Queen Maud Gulf Bird Sanctuary
Quttinirpaaq (Ellesmere Island) National Park Reserve
Scandinavian and Russian taiga
Scandinavian Montane Birch forest and grasslands
Shortgrass Steppe LTER Site
Sikhote-Alinskiy Biosphere Reserve
Sirmilik National Park
Sokhondinskiy Biosphere Reserve
St. Kilda National Nature Reserve
Taimyr-Central Siberian tundra
Taimyrsky Biosphere Reserve
Tawas Point State Park
Torngat Mountain tundra
Tsentral'no-Sibirskiy Biosphere Reserve
Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina (Ubsunur Depression)
Ukkusiksalik National Park
Voyageurs National Park
Walker Bay Field Station
Wapusk National Park
Wood Buffalo National Park
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve

Attributes / relations provided by
1Lepus arcticus, Troy L. Best and Travis Hill Henry, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 457, pp. 1-9 (1994)