Diet Overlap

Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Eurasian Bullfinch)
Acrocephalus palustris (Marsh Warbler)

Common Diet

Mesembrina meridiana (Mid-day Fly)

Common Habitat

Aggtelek Biosphere Reserve
Alto Garda Bresciano
Astrakhanskiy Biosphere Reserve
Azerbaijan shrub desert and steppe
Bayerischer Wald National Park
Berchtesgaden Alps
Berezinskiy Zapovednik
Bialowieza National Park
Boschi del Ticino
Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests
Codru (Kodry) Zapovednik
Darvinsky Zapovednik
Eastern Anatolian montane steppe
Eastern Beskid
Eastern Gobi desert steppe
Fiume Po - tratto vercellese alessandrino
Flusslandschaft Elbe Biosphere Reserve
Foret Domaniale du Circeo
Galichia Gora Zapovednik
Gissaro-Alai open woodlands
Gobi Lakes Valley desert steppe
Kazakh forest steppe
Kazakh steppe
Khangai Mountains alpine meadow
Khangai Mountains conifer forests
Khazar Zapovednik
Kiskunsag Biosphere Reserve
Krivoklatsko Protected Landscape Area
Lago di Mezzola e Pian di Spagna
Mediterranean Basin
Mongolian-Manchurian grassland
Mountains of Central Asia
Neusiedler See-Osterreichischer Teil
North Norfolk Coast
Okhotsk-Manchurian taiga
Palava Protected Landscape Area
Parco Del Cilento e Vallo de Diano
Polana Biosphere Reserve
Prespa National Park
Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve
Puszcza Kampinoska
Reserve de la Biosphere des Vosges du Nord
Reserve Nationale de Camargue Biosphere Reserve
Reserve Srebarna
Riserva Regionale Bosco dei Bordighi
Riserva Regionale Bosco Ronchetti
Sakhalin Island taiga
Sayan montane conifer forests
Scandinavian and Russian taiga
Selenge-Orkhon forest steppe
Severn Estuary/ Môr Hafren
South Sakhalin-Kurile mixed forests
Sumava Biosphere Reserve
Teberdinskiy Biosphere Reserve
Tian Shan foothill arid steppe
Tian Shan montane conifer forests
Tian Shan montane steppe and meadows
Trans-Baikal Bald Mountain tundra
Trans-Baikal conifer forests
Trebon Basin Protected Landscape Area
Triglav National Park
Tsentral'no-Chernozemny Biosphere Reserve
Tsentral'no-Lesnoy Biosphere Reserve
Ussuri broadleaf and mixed forests
Vessertal-Thuringian Forest Biosphere Reserve
Voronezhskiy Biosphere Reserve
Western Siberian hemiboreal forests

Attributes / relations provided by
1Ecology of Commanster