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♦ 1Annual Variation in Diet of Breeding Great Cormorants: Does it Reflect Varying Recruitment of Gadoids?, SVEIN-HÅKON LORENTSEN, DAVID GRÉMILLET AND GEIR HÅVARD NYMOEN, Waterbirds 27(2): 161-169, 2004
♦ 2Seasonal and geographical variations in the diet of Common Guillemots Uria aalge off western Scotland, D J Halley, N. Harrison, A. Webb and D.R. Thompson, SEABIRD 17: 12-20
♦ 3The role of capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the foodweb of the Barents Sea, A. V. Dolgov, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 59: 1034–1045. 2002
♦ 4An estimate of summer food consumption of six seabird species in Iceland, K. Lilliendahl and J. Solmundsson, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 54: 624630. 1997