Diet Overlap

Eremophila alpestris (Horned Lark)
Galerida cristata (Crested Lark)

Common Diet

Picoa lefebvrei

Common Habitat

Aegean and Western Turkey sclerophyllous and mixed forests
Alai-Western Tian Shan steppe
Alashan Plateau semi-desert
Altai steppe and semi-desert
Anatolian conifer and deciduous mixed forests
Arabian Desert and East Sahero-Arabian xeric shrublands
Astrakhanskiy Biosphere Reserve
Atlantic mixed forests
Azerbaijan shrub desert and steppe
Badghyz Zapovednik
Balkan mixed forests
Baltic mixed forests
Baluchistan xeric woodlands
Belovezhskaya Pushcha Biosphere Reserve
Berezinskiy Zapovednik
Bialowieza National Park
Carpathian montane forests
Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests
Caspian lowland desert
Caucasus mixed forests
Central Afghan Mountains xeric woodlands
Central Anatolian deciduous forests
Central Anatolian steppe
Central China loess plateau mixed forests
Central European mixed forests
Crimean Submediterranean forest complex
Dinaric Mountains mixed forests
East European forest steppe
Eastern Anatolian deciduous forests
Eastern Anatolian montane steppe
Eastern Gobi desert steppe
Eastern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
Eastern Mediterranean conifer-sclerophyllous-broadleaf forests
Elburz Range forest steppe
Emin Valley steppe
Euxine-Colchic broadleaf forests
Flusslandschaft Elbe Biosphere Reserve
Galichia Gora Zapovednik
Helanshan montane conifer forests
Hortobágy National Park
Huang He Plain mixed forests
Illyrian deciduous forests
Junggar Basin semi-desert
Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe
Kavkazskiy Biosphere Reserve
Kopet Dag semi-desert
Kopet Dag woodlands and forest steppe
Kopetdagh Zapovednik
Kuh Rud and Eastern Iran montane woodlands
Manchurian mixed forests
Mediterranean Basin
Mediterranean conifer and mixed forests
Mediterranean woodlands and forests
Mesopotamian shrub desert
Middle East steppe
Mongolian-Manchurian grassland
Mountains of Central Asia
Mountains of Southwest China
Neusiedler See-Osterreichischer Teil
North Tibetan Plateau-Kunlun Mountains alpine desert
Northeast China Plain deciduous forests
Northern Anatolian conifer and deciduous forests
Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
Okskiy Biosphere Reserve
Ordos Plateau steppe
Palava Protected Landscape Area
Pamir alpine desert and tundra
Pannonian mixed forests
Paropamisus xeric woodlands
Pindus Mountains mixed forests
Pontic steppe
Prespa National Park
Qilian Mountains conifer forests
Qilian Mountains subalpine meadows
Qin Ling Mountains deciduous forests
Qionglai-Minshan conifer forests
Registan-North Pakistan sandy desert
Reserve Nationale de Camargue Biosphere Reserve
Rodope montane mixed forests
Scandinavian and Russian taiga
Southeast Tibet shrub and meadows
Southern Anatolian montane conifer and deciduous forests
Syunt-Khasardagh Zapovednik
Taklimakan desert
Tarim Basin deciduous forests and steppe
Teberdinskiy Biosphere Reserve
Tian Shan foothill arid steppe
Tian Shan montane conifer forests
Tian Shan montane steppe and meadows
Tibetan Plateau alpine shrub and meadows
Tzentralen Balkan
Val d'Allier Bourbonnais
Voronezhskiy Biosphere Reserve
Western Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
Yarlung Tsangpo arid steppe
Zagros Mountains forest steppe

Attributes / relations provided by
1MORE ON MYCOPHAGOUS BIRDS, J. A. Simpson, Australasian Mycologist 19 (2) 2000: research paper, p. 49-51