Diet Overlap

Accipiter cooperii (Cooper's Hawk)
Taxidea taxus (American Badger)

Common Diet

Sylvilagus audubonii (Desert Cottontail)
Tamias dorsalis (cliff chipmunk)
Tamias merriami (Merriam's chipmunk)
Urocitellus brunneus (Idaho ground squirrel)

Common Habitat

Alberta Mountain forests
Alberta-British Columbia foothills forests
Allegheny Highlands forests
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, CA
Appalachian mixed mesophytic forests
Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
Arches National Park
Arizona Mountains forests
Badlands National Park
Baja California desert
Bajío dry forests
Balsas dry forests
Bandelier National Monument
Banff National Park
Beaver Creek Biosphere Reserve
Big Bend Biosphere Reserve
Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
Blue Mountains forests
British Columbia mainland coastal forests
Bryce Canyon National Park
California Central Valley grasslands
California Coast Ranges Biosphere Reserve
California coastal sage and chaparral
California Floristic Province
California interior chaparral and woodlands
California montane chaparral and woodlands
Canadian Aspen forests and parklands
Canyonlands National Park
Capital Reef National Park
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Carrizo Plain Preserve
Cascade Mountains leeward forests
Cedar Breaks National Monument
Cedar Creek LTER Site
Central and Southern Cascades forests
Central and Southern mixed grasslands
Central British Columbia Mountain forests
Central forest-grasslands transition
Central Mexican matorral
Central Plains Biosphere Reserve
Central tall grasslands
Central U.S. hardwood forests
Chihuahuan desert
Chippewa Nature Center
Chiricahua National Monument
Coachella Valley Preserve
Colorado National Monument
Colorado Plateau shrublands
Colorado Rockies forests
Coronado National Monument
Craters of the Moon National Monument
De Soto National Wildlife Refuge
Death Valley National Park
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge
Devils Tower National Monument
Dinosaur National Monument
East Central Texas forests
Eastern Cascades forests
Eastern Great Lakes lowland forests
Edwards Plateau savanna
Edwin S. George Reserve
El Malpais National Monument
El Morro National Monument
Elkhorn Slough Preserve
Fairfield Osborn Preserve
Flint Hills tall grasslands
Fort Bowie National Historic Site
Fraser Plateau and Basin complex
Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Grand Canyon National Park
Grand Teton National Park
Great Basin montane forests
Great Basin shrub steppe
Guadalupe Mountains National Park
Gulf of California xeric scrub
Hamilton Preserve
Heath and Marjorie Angelo Coast Range Preserve
Hovenweep National Monument
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
Jornada Biosphere Reserve
Joshua Tree National Park
Klamath-Siskiyou forests
Knife River Indian Villages National Hist. Site
Konza Prairie Biosphere Reserve
Kootenay National Park
Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Lake Meredith National Recreation Area
Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area
Lassen Volcanic National Park
Lava Beds National Monument
Madrean Pine-Oak Woodlands
Meseta Central matorral
Mid-Continental Canadian forests
Mississippi lowland forests
Mojave and Colorado Deserts Biosphere Reserve
Mojave desert
Montana Valley and Foothill grasslands
Natural Bridges National Monument
Nebraska Sand Hills mixed grasslands
North America
North Central Rockies forests
Northern California coastal forests
Northern mixed grasslands
Northern short grasslands
Northern tall grasslands
Oaxacan montane forests
Okanagan dry forests
Organ Pipe Cactus Biosphere Reserve
Ozark Mountain forests
Padre Island National Seashore
Paine Preserve
Palouse grasslands
Petrified Forest National Park
Philip L. Boyd Deep Canyon Desert Research Center
Piney Woods forests
Pinnacles National Monument
Point Reyes National Seashore
Prince Albert National Park
Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve
Reserva de la Biosfera El Vizcaino
Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve
Rocky Mountain Biosphere Reserve
Saguaro National Park
Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument
San Dimas Biosphere Reserve
San Joaquin Biosphere Reserve
San Lucan xeric scrub
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
Sequoia and Kings Canyon Biosphere Reserve
Sevilleta LTER Site
Shortgrass Steppe LTER Site
Sierra de la Laguna dry forests
Sierra de la Laguna pine-oak forests
Sierra Juarez and San Pedro Martir pine-oak forests
Sierra Madre de Oaxaca pine-oak forests
Sierra Madre del Sur pine-oak forests
Sierra Madre Occidental pine-oak forests
Sierra Madre Oriental pine-oak forests
Sierra Nevada forests
Sinaloan dry forests
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
Snake-Columbia shrub steppe
Sonoran desert
Sonoran-Sinaloan transition subtropical dry forest
South Central Rockies forests
Southern Great Lakes forests
Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument
Tamaulipan matorral
Tamaulipan mezquital
Tehuacán Valley matorral
Texas blackland prairies
Tonto National Monument
Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt pine-oak forests
Upper Midwest forest-savanna transition
Upper Miss. River Nat'l Wildlife Refuge
Veracruz moist forests
Veracruz montane forests
Walnut Canyon National Monument
Wasatch and Uinta montane forests
Waterton Biosphere Reserve
Western Great Lakes forests
Western Gulf Coastal grasslands
Western short grasslands
Whiskey-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area
White Sands National Monument
Wind Cave National Park
Wupatki National Monument
Wyoming Basin shrub steppe
Yellowstone Biosphere Reserve
Yosemite National Park
Zion National Park

Attributes / relations provided by
1Sylvilagus audubonii, Joseph A. Chapman and Gale R. Willner, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 106, pp. 1-4 (1978)
2Tamias dorsalis, E. Blake Hart, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 399, pp. 1-6 (1992)
3Tamias merriami, Troy L. Best and Nancy J. Granai, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 476, pp. 1-9 (1994)
4Spermophilus brunneus, Eric Yensen and Paul W. Sherman, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 560, pp. 1-5 (1997)