Diet Overlap

Melanerpes carolinus (Red-bellied Woodpecker)
Sialia sialis (Eastern Bluebird)

Common Diet

Prunus serotina (Black Cherry)

Common Habitat

Allegheny Highlands forests
Antietam National Battlefield
Appalachian mixed mesophytic forests
Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
Arkansas Post National Memorial
Assateague Island National Seashore
Atlantic coastal pine barrens
Big Cypress National Preserve
Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge
Bruce Peninsula National Park
Buffalo National River
Calvin College Ecosystem Preserve
Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Cape Lookout National Seashore
Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge
Carl Sandburg Home National Hist. Site
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Carolinian-South Atlantic Biosphere Reserve
Catoctin Mountain Park
Cedar Creek LTER Site
Central and Southern mixed grasslands
Central forest-grasslands transition
Central Gulf Coastal Plain Biosphere Reserve
Central tall grasslands
Central U.S. hardwood forests
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Chickasaw National Recreation Area
Chippewa Nature Center
Colonial National Historic Park
Congaree Swamp National Park
Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory LTER Site
Crosswinds Marsh
Cumberland Island National Seashore
Cuyahoga Valley National Park
De Soto National Wildlife Refuge
East Central Texas forests
Edwards Plateau savanna
Edwin S. George Reserve
Effigy Mounds National Monument
Fathom Five National Marine Park
Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge
Flint Hills tall grasslands
Florida sand pine scrub
Fort Caroline National Memorial
Fort Pulaski National Monument
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania Nat'l Military Park
Fundy National Park
Gateway National Recreation Area
George WA Carver National Monument
George Washington Birthplace National Monument
George Washington Memorial Parkway
Georgian Bay Islands National Park
Gettysburg National Military Park
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
Guilford Courthouse National Military Park
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park
Herbert Hoover National Historic Site
Homestead National Monument of America
Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site
Horicon National Wildlife Refuge
Horseshoe Bend National Military Park
Hot Springs National Park
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
Jean Lafitte National Hist. Park & Preserve
Kellogg Biological Station LTER Site
Konza Prairie Biosphere Reserve
Lacassine National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Meredith National Recreation Area
Land Between the Lakes Biosphere Reserve
Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial
Little River National Wildlife Refuge
Little St. Simons Island
Long Point Biosphere Reserve
Mammoth Cave Area Biosphere Reserve (Natn'l Park)
Manassas National Battlefield Park
Middle Atlantic coastal forests
Mississippi lowland forests
Moores Creek National Battlefield
Morristown National Historical Park
National Capital Region - East
New River Gorge National River
Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve
North America
Northeastern coastal forests
Northern mixed grasslands
Oak Ridge National Environmental Research Park
Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge
Ozark Mountain forests
Ozark National Scenic Riverways
Piney Woods forests
Point Pelee National Park
Prince William Forest Park
Rock Creek Park
Rondeau Provincial Park
Roosevelt Vanderbilt National Historic Site
Saint Croix International Historic Site
Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge
Saratoga National Historical Park
Shenandoah National Park
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
South Atlantic Coastal Plain Biosphere Reserve
South Florida rocklands
Southeastern conifer forests
Southeastern mixed forests
Southern Appalachian Biosphere Reserve
Southern Great Lakes forests
Tawas Point State Park
Tennessee River Gorge
Texas blackland prairies
Thomas Stone National Historic Site
Upper Midwest forest-savanna transition
Upper Miss. River Nat'l Wildlife Refuge
Valley Forge National Historical Park
Vicksburg National Military Park
Virginia Coast Biosphere Reserve
Western Gulf Coastal grasslands
Western Michigan University’s Asylum Lake
Western short grasslands
Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge
Wilson's Creek National Battlefield

Attributes / relations provided by
1Characteristics of Some Fruiting Plant Species in Northwest Arkansas, and the Avian Assemblages that Feed on Them, John W. Prather, Kimberly G. Smith, Michael A. Mlodinow, Cecilia M. Riley, Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science,Vol. 54, 2000, pp. 103-108
2Study of Northern Virginia Ecology