Diet Overlap

Meleagris gallopavo (Wild Turkey)
Myadestes townsendi (Townsend's Solitaire)

Common Diet

Juniperus virginiana (Eastern Red-cedar)

Common Habitat

Amistad National Recreation Area
Arizona Mountains forests
Badlands National Park
Bandelier National Monument
Beaver Creek Biosphere Reserve
Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
Boggs Lake Preserve
British Columbia mainland coastal forests
Bryce Canyon National Park
California Coast Ranges Biosphere Reserve
Capulin Volcano National Monument
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Cedar Breaks National Monument
Cedar Creek LTER Site
Central and Southern mixed grasslands
Central Pacific coastal forests
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Channel Islands National Park
Chickasaw National Recreation Area
Chihuahuan desert
Chiricahua National Monument
Colorado National Monument
Colorado Plateau shrublands
Colorado Rockies forests
Coronado National Monument
Curecanti National Recreation Area
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge
El Malpais National Monument
El Morro National Monument
Grand Canyon National Park
Great Basin shrub steppe
Hibberd Preserve
Hovenweep National Monument
Kootenay National Park
Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Lake Meredith National Recreation Area
Lassen Volcanic National Park
Long Point Biosphere Reserve
Madrean Pine-Oak Woodlands
Mesa Verde National Park
Meseta Central matorral
Mojave desert
Montana Valley and Foothill grasslands
Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve
North America
North Central Rockies forests
Northern short grasslands
Okanagan dry forests
Palouse grasslands
Petrified Forest National Park
Pinnacles National Monument
Rocky Mountain Biosphere Reserve
Saguaro National Park
Saint Croix International Historic Site
Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge
San Joaquin Biosphere Reserve
Santa Cruz Island Preserve
Scotts Bluff National Monument
Sequoia and Kings Canyon Biosphere Reserve
Sevilleta LTER Site
Sierra Madre de Oaxaca pine-oak forests
Sierra Madre Occidental pine-oak forests
Snake-Columbia shrub steppe
South Central Rockies forests
Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument
Tamaulipan mezquital
Tawas Point State Park
Tonto National Monument
Wasatch and Uinta montane forests
Western short grasslands
Whiskey-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area
Wind Cave National Park
Wupatki National Monument
Wyoming Basin shrub steppe
Yellowstone Biosphere Reserve
Zion National Park

Attributes / relations provided by
1Study of Northern Virginia Ecology
2del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.