Click on a heading to sort by its values. Click again to sort in the opposite direction.
Name |
Type |
IUCN Category |
Area acres |
Country |
State |
Species |
Website |
Climate |
Land Use |
Marais de la Haute-Semois et Bois de Heinsch (Arlon; Attert; Etalle; Habay) |
4697 |
Belgium |
168088 |
France |
Marigny, Superbe, vallée de l'Aube |
11186 |
France |
16387 |
Spain |
Marjal de Pego-Oliva. |
3101 |
Spain |
Marjal dels Moros |
1549 |
Spain |
Marjal i Estanys d'Almenara |
3674 |
Spain |
34807 |
Finland |
Mattisenlahti |
156 |
Finland |
Mechka Fish-ponds |
6766 |
Bulgaria |
Medio Taro |
9415 |
Italy |
Meltosjärvet-Pysäjärvi |
1132 |
Finland |
Mendip Limestone Grasslands |
1032 |
United Kingdom |
England |
Merenkurkun saaristo |
316695 |
Finland |
Mietoistenlahti |
1448 |
Finland |
Minsmere to Walberswick Heaths and Marshes |
3127 |
United Kingdom |
England |
Mòine Mhór |
2843 |
United Kingdom |
Scotland |
Moray Firth |
373987 |
United Kingdom |
Scotland |
Mossaträsk |
2224 |
Sweden |
Mount Kenya Biosphere Reserve |
Biosphere Reserve |
II |
146694 |
Kenya |
Mount Kulal Biosphere Reserve |
Biosphere Reserve |
1729738 |
Kenya |
Moyenne vallée de l'Oise |
13902 |
France |
Muddus |
124105 |
Sweden |
Muraka |
43631 |
Estonia |
Närpiön saaristo |
29228 |
Finland |
Neusiedler See-Osterreichischer Teil |
Austria |
Niederung der Unteren Havel |
69882 |
Germany |
Nieszawska Dolina Wisly |
9617 |
Poland |
Niittysuo-Siiransuo |
6141 |
Finland |
Nordre älvs estuarium |
17508 |
Sweden |
North Bull Island |
Nature Reserve |
IV |
3544 |
Ireland |
North Norfolk Coast |
7926 |
United Kingdom |
England |
Northern Karelian |
Biosphere Reserve |
864869 |
Finland |
NSG Krombachtalsperre |
106 |
Germany |
Nukinrahka - Hirvilamminsuo |
2128 |
Finland |
Nummi-Pusulan lintuvedet |
1045 |
Finland |
Nurmesjärvi |
640 |
Finland |
Ohtosensuo |
5340 |
Finland |
Ojakylänlahti ja Kengänkari |
719 |
Finland |
Okskiy Biosphere Reserve |
Biosphere Reserve |
190748 |
Russia |
Olvassuo |
66899 |
Finland |
36542 |
Greece |
Ortazzo, Ortazzino, Foce del Torrente Bevano |
3104 |
Italy |
Otajärvi |
1436 |
Finland |
Oulanka |
72624 |
Finland |
Päätyeenlahti |
776 |
Finland |
Padule di Diaccia Botrona |
3331 |
Italy |
Padule di Fucecchio |
5142 |
Italy |
Padule Orti - Bottagone |
299 |
Italy |
Paimionlahti |
546 |
Finland |
Palava Protected Landscape Area |
Protected Landscape Area |
V |
Czech Republic |
Palawan Biosphere Reserve |
Biosphere Reserve |
2843689 |
Philippines |
Pallas-Ounastunturi |
146845 |
Finland |
Palude del Feniletto - Sguazzo del Vallese |
413 |
Italy |
Palude di Casalbeltrame |
1619 |
Italy |
Paludi di Capo Feto e Margi Spanò |
741 |
Italy |
Paludi di Ostiglia |
304 |
Italy |
Pantani della Sicilia sud-orientale, Morghella, di Marzamemi, di Punta Pilieri e Vendicari |
8481 |
Italy |
64079 |
Greece |
Parco Del Cilento e Vallo de Diano |
National Park |
551095 |
Italy |
Parco Regionale Oglio Sud |
9941 |
Italy |
Parhalahti-Syölätinlahti ja Heinikarinlampi |
680 |
Finland |
Pays des Couzes |
128132 |
France |
Pechoro-Ilychskiy Biosphere Reserve |
Biosphere Reserve |
3098091 |
Russia |
Pellojärvi-Säynäjäjärvi |
1441 |
Finland |
Perämeren saaret |
17633 |
Finland |
Pessinki fjällurskog |
240249 |
Sweden |
Petolahdenjokisuisto |
1342 |
Finland |
Peuralamminneva |
1203 |
Finland |
Pialassa dei Piomboni, Pineta di Punta Marina |
1149 |
Italy |
Pialasse Baiona, Risega e Pontazzo |
3941 |
Italy |
Pieni- ja Suuri-Rautjärvi |
865 |
Finland |
Pirjatanneva |
1497 |
Finland |
81144 |
France |
Planèze de Saint Flour |
62374 |
France |
Polana Biosphere Reserve |
Biosphere Reserve |
50311 |
Slovakia |
228222 |
Finland |
Porvoonjoen suisto-Stensböle |
3289 |
Finland |
Pötkönsuo |
1646 |
Finland |
362835 |
Finland |
Prat de Cabanes i Torreblanca |
4801 |
Spain |
Puhatu |
31425 |
Estonia |
139246 |
Finland |
Punte Alberete, Valle Mandriole |
2402 |
Italy |
Pyasachnik Reservoir |
7855 |
Bulgaria |
Pyhäjärven lintuvesi |
435 |
Finland |
Queen Elizabeth National Park |
National Park |
II |
522052 |
Uganda |
Räkäsuo |
6501 |
Finland |
Rapakivenjärvi |
128 |
Finland |
Rastgebiete im mittleren Saartal |
324 |
Germany |
Rauvolanlahti |
904 |
Finland |
Reserve de la Biosphere d'Iroise |
Biosphere Reserve |
IV |
118 |
France |
Reserve de la Biosphere des Vosges du Nord |
Biosphere Reserve |
301469 |
France |
Reserve Nationale de Camargue Biosphere Reserve |
Biosphere Reserve |
32232 |
France |
Rietzer See |
2785 |
Germany |
Riistaveden lintujärvet |
222 |
Finland |
Rimpijärvi-Uusijärvi |
3437 |
Finland |
Rimpineva - Matilanneva |
1480 |
Finland |
Risaie della Lomellina |
76457 |
Italy |
Riserva Regionale Lanca di Gerole |
2916 |
Italy |