Animalia > Chordata > Lepisosteiformes > Lepisosteidae > Lepisosteus > Lepisosteus osseus

Lepisosteus osseus (Long-nose gar; Long-nosed gar; Longnose gar; Gar)

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Wikipedia Abstract

The longnose gar (Lepisosteus osseus) is a primitive ray-finned fish of the gar family. It is also known as the needlenose gar. L. osseus is found along the east coast of North and Central America in freshwater lakes and as far west as Kansas and Texas and southern New Mexico. The gar have been present in North America for about 100 million years.
View Wikipedia Record: Lepisosteus osseus


Adult Length [2]  6.56 feet (200 cm)
Brood Dispersal [2]  In the open
Brood Egg Substrate [2]  Phyto-lithophils
Brood Guarder [2]  No
Litter Size [2]  77,156
Maximum Longevity [2]  36 years
Nocturnal [1]  Yes
Water Biome [1]  Lakes and Ponds, Rivers and Streams, Coastal
Adult Weight [3]  27.646 lbs (12.54 kg)
Diet [1]  Carnivore
Female Maturity [2]  6 years
Male Maturity [3]  3 years 6 months

Protected Areas

Prey / Diet

Menidia beryllina (Waxen silverside)[4]

Prey / Diet Overlap

Competing SpeciesCommon Prey Count
Larus argentatus (Herring Gull)1
Larus delawarensis (Ring-billed Gull)1
Lophodytes cucullatus (Hooded Merganser)1
Sterna forsteri (Forster's Tern)1
Tringa melanoleuca (Greater Yellowlegs)1


Atractosteus spatula (Alligator gar)[5]


Range Map

External References

NatureServe Explorer


Attributes / relations provided by
1Myers, P., R. Espinosa, C. S. Parr, T. Jones, G. S. Hammond, and T. A. Dewey. 2006. The Animal Diversity Web (online). Accessed February 01, 2010 at
2Frimpong, E.A., and P. L. Angermeier. 2009. FishTraits: a database of ecological and life-history traits of freshwater fishes of the United States. Fisheries 34:487-495.
3de Magalhaes, J. P., and Costa, J. (2009) A database of vertebrate longevity records and their relation to other life-history traits. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22(8):1770-1774
4Food Habits, Sex Ratios, and Size of Longnose Gar in Southwestern Oklahoma, Jack D. Tyler, Jerry R. Webb, Tyler R. Wright, Jack D. Hargett, Keland J. Mask, and David R. Schucker, Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 74: 41-42 (1994)
5Jorrit H. Poelen, James D. Simons and Chris J. Mungall. (2014). Global Biotic Interactions: An open infrastructure to share and analyze species-interaction datasets. Ecological Informatics.
6Gibson, D. I., Bray, R. A., & Harris, E. A. (Compilers) (2005). Host-Parasite Database of the Natural History Museum, London
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