Animalia > Chordata > Tetraodontiformes > Monacanthidae > Stephanolepis > Stephanolepis cirrhifer

Stephanolepis cirrhifer (Thread-sail filefish; Threadsail filefish)

Synonyms: Balistes japonicus; Monacanthus cirrhifer; Monacanthus komuki
Language: Danish; German; Japanese; Korean; Mandarin Chinese; Portuguese

Wikipedia Abstract

Stephanolepis cirrhifer, commonly known as the thread-sail filefish, is a species of marine fish in the family Monacanthidae. It is found in the western Pacific, in an area that ranges from northern Japan to the East China Sea, to Korea. Other common names for the fish include "Kawahagi" (Japanese) and "Jwi-chi" (Korean). The fish grows to a maximum length of about 12 inches (30 centimetres), and consumes both plant material and small marine organisms like skeleton shrimp. S. cirrhifer is host of the parasite Peniculus minuticaudae. Some minor genetic differentiation between S. cirrhifer born in the wild and those bred in a hatchery for consumer use has been shown. The fish is edible and sold commercially for culinary purposes in many Asian countries.
View Wikipedia Record: Stephanolepis cirrhifer


Migration [1]  Oceanodromous

Prey / Diet

Zostera marina (Eel Grass)[2]


Cephaloscyllium umbratile (Swell shark)[3]


External References


Attributes / relations provided by
1Riede, Klaus (2004) Global Register of Migratory Species - from Global to Regional Scales. Final Report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081. 330 pages + CD-ROM
2Jorrit H. Poelen, James D. Simons and Chris J. Mungall. (2014). Global Biotic Interactions: An open infrastructure to share and analyze species-interaction datasets. Ecological Informatics.
3Aspects of Reproduction and Food Habits of the Japanese Swellshark Cephaloscyllium umbratile from Chosi, Japan, Toru Taniuchhi, Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 54(4), 627-633 (1988)
4Gibson, D. I., Bray, R. A., & Harris, E. A. (Compilers) (2005). Host-Parasite Database of the Natural History Museum, London
Abstract provided by DBpedia licensed under a Creative Commons License
Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0