Diet Overlap

Strix varia (Barred Owl)
Bubo scandiacus (Snowy Owl)

Common Diet

Mustela frenata (Long-tailed Weasel)

Common Habitat

Acadia National Park
Alberta Mountain forests
Alberta-British Columbia foothills forests
Algonquin Provincial Park
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
Banff National Park
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
British Columbia mainland coastal forests
Bruce Peninsula National Park
California Coast Ranges Biosphere Reserve
Cape Breton Highlands National Park
Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge
Carolinian-South Atlantic Biosphere Reserve
Cascade Mountains leeward forests
Central British Columbia Mountain forests
Central Pacific coastal forests
Cumberland Island National Seashore
Eastern forest-boreal transition
Eastern Great Lakes lowland forests
Effigy Mounds National Monument
Fathom Five National Marine Park
Forillon National Park
Fort Pulaski National Monument
Fraser Plateau and Basin complex
Fundy National Park
Georgian Bay Islands National Park
Greenwater Provincial Park
Gulf of St. Lawrence lowland forests
Horicon National Wildlife Refuge
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
Jasper National Park
Lake Superior Provincial Park
Mammoth Cave Area Biosphere Reserve (Natn'l Park)
Morristown National Historical Park
New England-Acadian forests
Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve
North Central Rockies forests
Northern mixed grasslands
Northern transitional alpine forests
Okanagan dry forests
Olympic Biosphere Reserve
Ozark National Scenic Riverways
Palouse grasslands
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
Prince Albert National Park
Prince Edward Island National Park
Puget lowland forests
Pukaskwa National Park
Redwood National Park
Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve
Rondeau Provincial Park
Roosevelt Vanderbilt National Historic Site
Saint Croix International Historic Site
Saint Lawrence Islands National Park
Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge
Saratoga National Historical Park
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
South Atlantic Coastal Plain Biosphere Reserve
Southern Great Lakes forests
Tawas Point State Park
Upper Midwest forest-savanna transition
Upper Miss. River Nat'l Wildlife Refuge
Voyageurs National Park
Western Great Lakes forests

Attributes / relations provided by
1Mustela frenata, Steven R. Sheffield and Howard H. Thomas, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 570, pp. 1-9 (1997)