Diet Overlap

Parus major (Great Tit)
Apodemus flavicollis (Yellow-necked mouse)

Common Diet

Corylus avellana (common filbert)
Fagus sylvatica (European beech)
Ribes spicatum (currant)

Common Habitat

Aggtelek Biosphere Reserve
Arabian Desert and East Sahero-Arabian xeric shrublands
Babia Góra National Park
Belovezhskaya Pushcha Biosphere Reserve
Berezinskiy Zapovednik
Bialowieza National Park
Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests
Codru (Kodry) Zapovednik
Dorset Heaths
Eastern Anatolian montane steppe
Eastern Beskid
Eastern Mediterranean conifer-sclerophyllous-broadleaf forests
Elburz Range forest steppe
Galichia Gora Zapovednik
Hortobágy National Park
Karadagskiy Zapovednik
Kavkazskiy Biosphere Reserve
Kiskunsag Biosphere Reserve
Kopet Dag semi-desert
Kopet Dag woodlands and forest steppe
Kuh Rud and Eastern Iran montane woodlands
Mediterranean Basin
Mesopotamian shrub desert
Middle East steppe
Monte Paratiello
Mordovsky Zapovednik
Northeastern Spain and Southern France Mediterranean forests
Okskiy Biosphere Reserve
Palava Protected Landscape Area
Parco Del Cilento e Vallo de Diano
Polana Biosphere Reserve
Pontic steppe
Prespa National Park
Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve
Reserve de la Biosphere des Vosges du Nord
Reserve Srebarna
Scandinavian and Russian taiga
Southern Anatolian montane conifer and deciduous forests
Sumava Biosphere Reserve
Trebon Basin Protected Landscape Area
Triglav National Park
Tsentral'no-Chernozemny Biosphere Reserve
Tsentral'no-Lesnoy Biosphere Reserve
Voronezhskiy Biosphere Reserve
Zagros Mountains forest steppe

Attributes / relations provided by
1Ecology of Commanster
2Farwig, Nina; Schabo, Dana G.; Albrecht, Jörg (2017), Data from: Trait-associated loss of frugivores in fragmented forest does not affect seed removal rates, Dryad, Dataset,