Diet Overlap

Grus grus (Common Crane)
Microtus agrestis (field vole)

Common Diet

Carex rostrata (beaked sedge)
Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass)

Common Habitat

Amur meadow steppe
Atlantic mixed forests
Baltic mixed forests
Belovezhskaya Pushcha Biosphere Reserve
Berezinskiy Zapovednik
Bialowieza National Park
Cantabrian mixed forests
Central European mixed forests
Da Hinggan-Dzhagdy Mountains conifer forests
Darvinsky Zapovednik
Daurian forest steppe
East European forest steppe
East Siberian taiga
Eastern Beskid
Eastern Gobi desert steppe
Great Lakes Basin desert steppe
Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
Kazakh forest steppe
Kivach Zapovednik
Kola Peninsula tundra
Laplandskiy Biosphere Reserve
Manchurian mixed forests
Mediterranean Basin
Mongolian-Manchurian grassland
Nenjiang River grassland
Okskiy Biosphere Reserve
Pechoro-Ilychskiy Biosphere Reserve
Pontic steppe
Reserve de la Biosphere des Vosges du Nord
Reserve Nationale de Camargue Biosphere Reserve
Sarmatic mixed forests
Sayan Alpine meadows and tundra
Sayan Intermontane steppe
Sayan montane conifer forests
Sayano-Shushenskiy Biosphere Reserve
Scandinavian and Russian taiga
Scandinavian coastal conifer forests
Selenge-Orkhon forest steppe
Southwest Iberian Mediterranean sclerophyllous and mixed forests
The Broads
Trans-Baikal Bald Mountain tundra
Trans-Baikal conifer forests
Tsentral'no-Lesnoy Biosphere Reserve
Ural montane forests and tundra
Voronezhskiy Biosphere Reserve
West Siberian taiga

Attributes / relations provided by
1Ecology of Commanster