Attributes / relations provided by
♦ 1Dry season diet composition of Eligmodontia moreni (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) in a hyper-arid region of the Monte desert (Mendoza, Argentina), Cecilia Lanzone, Verónica Chillo, Daniela Rodríguez, María Ana Dacar & Claudia M. Campos, Multequina 21: 25-30, 2012
♦ 2Ben-Dov, Y., Miller, D.R. & Gibson, G.A.P.
ScaleNet 4 November 2009
♦ 3ECOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS OF THE RED VIZCACHA RAT, Tympanoctomys barrerae IN DESERT HABITATS OF ARGENTINA, Ricardo A. Ojeda, Jorge M. Gonnet, Carlos E. Borghi, Stella M. Giannoni, Claudia M. Campos, and Gabriela B. Diaz, Mastozoologia Neotropical: 3(2):183-191 (1996)