Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Myrtales > Onagraceae > Oenothera

Oenothera (evening primrose)


Wikipedia Abstract

Oenothera is a genus of about 145 species of herbaceous flowering plants native to the Americas. It is the type genus of the family Onagraceae. Common names include evening primrose, suncups, and sundrops. They are not closely related to the true primroses (genus Primula).
View Wikipedia Record: Oenothera


Oenothera acaulis (largeflower evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera acerviphila
Oenothera acuminata
Oenothera acutifolia
Oenothera acutissima (Flaming Gorge evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera adriatica
Oenothera affinis (longflower evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera aggregate
Oenothera agryrophylla
Oenothera albicaulis (halfshrub sundrop) (Attributes)
Oenothera albipercurva
Oenothera albivelutina
Oenothera ammophila
Oenothera angustissima (Oakes' evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera anomala
Oenothera arequipensis
Oenothera argillicola (shalebarren evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera arida (TransPecos beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera arizonica (California evening primrose)
Oenothera asperifolia
Oenothera autranii
Oenothera avita (California evening primrose)
Oenothera bahia-blancae
Oenothera berlandieri (Berlandier's sundrops) (Attributes)
Oenothera biennis (king's-cureall) (Attributes)
Oenothera boquillensis (Rio Grande beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera brachycarpa (shortfruit evening primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera brandegeei (Tufted evening primrose)
Oenothera braunii
Oenothera breedlovei
Oenothera brevicapsula
Oenothera brevipetala
Oenothera brevispicata
Oenothera britannica
Oenothera bulgarica
Oenothera caesia
Oenothera calcicola (Texas beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera californica (California evening primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera cambrica
Oenothera campylocarpa
Oenothera canescens (beakpod evening primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera canovirens
Oenothera carinthiaca
Oenothera casimiri
Oenothera catharinensis
Oenothera cavernae (cavedwelling eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera centaureifolia
Oenothera centaurifolia
Oenothera cespitosa (tufted evening primrose)
Oenothera cheiranthifolia
Oenothera cinerea (woolly beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera clandestina
Oenothera clavifera
Oenothera clelandii (Cleland's evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera coespitosa
Oenothera coloradensis (Colorado butterfly plant)
Oenothera coloratissima
Oenothera columbiana
Oenothera compacta
Oenothera conferta
Oenothera contorta
Oenothera coquimbensis
Oenothera cordata
Oenothera coronifera
Oenothera coronopifolia (crownleaf evening primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera coryi (El Paso evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera curtiflora (velvetweed) (Attributes)
Oenothera curtissii (Curtiss' evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera davisiae
Oenothera deflexa
Oenothera deltoidea
Oenothera deltoides (birdcage evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera demareei (Demaree's beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera densiflora
Oenothera depressa
Oenothera deserticola
Oenothera dissecta
Oenothera drawertii
Oenothera drummondii (beach evening primrose)
Oenothera dubia
Oenothera editicaulis
Oenothera elata (Hooker's eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera elegans
Oenothera elongata
Oenothera engelmannii (Engelmann's evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera epilobiifolia
Oenothera ersteinensis
Oenothera falfurriae (royal evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera fallacoides
Oenothera fallax
Oenothera featherstonei
Oenothera filiformis (longflower beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera filipes (slenderstalk beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera flaemingina
Oenothera flava (long-tube evening primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera fruticosa (narrowleaf evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera gaura (biennial beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera gignatea
Oenothera glaucifolia (False gaura) (Attributes)
Oenothera glaziouviana
Oenothera glazioviana (redsepal evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera grandiflora (Largeflower evening primrose)
Oenothera grandis (largeflower eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera grisea
Oenothera harringtonii (Colorado Springs evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera hartwegii (Hartweg's sundrops)
Oenothera havardii (Havard's eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera heiniana
Oenothera heterophylla (largeflower eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera hexandra
Oenothera hispida
Oenothera hoelscheri
Oenothera howardii (Howard's eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera humifusa (seabeach eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera hybr
Oenothera inconspecta
Oenothera indecora
Oenothera indivisa
Oenothera issleri
Oenothera italica
Oenothera jacquinii
Oenothera jamesii (james eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera jueterbogensis
Oenothera kunthiana (Kunth's eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera laciniata (cut-leaved evening primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera lasiocarpa
Oenothera latifolia (mountain eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera latipetala
Oenothera lavandulifolia (lavenderleaf sundrops) (Attributes)
Oenothera levigata
Oenothera ligerica
Oenothera lindheimeri (Lindheimer's beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera linifolia (threadleaf evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera litorea
Oenothera longiflora
Oenothera longissima (longstem eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera longituba
Oenothera luciae-julianiae
Oenothera macrantha
Oenothera macrocarpa (Ozark sundrop) (Attributes)
Oenothera macrosceles
Oenothera macrosperma
Oenothera magallanica
Oenothera magellanica
Oenothera marinellae
Oenothera maysillesii
Oenothera mckelveyae (Mckelvey's beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera mediomarchica
Oenothera mendocinensis
Oenothera mexicana (Mexican evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera micrantha
Oenothera missourensis
Oenothera mollis
Oenothera mollissima (Argentine evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera montevidensis
Oenothera moravica
Oenothera muelleri
Oenothera multicaulis
Oenothera murdockii (Murdock's evening primrose)
Oenothera nana
Oenothera neomexicana (New Mexico eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera nocturna
Oenothera nuda
Oenothera numismatica
Oenothera nutans (nodding evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera nuttallii (Nuttall eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera oakesiana (Sandy evening primrose)
Oenothera obscurifolia
Oenothera octolineata
Oenothera odorata
Oenothera oehlkersii
Oenothera organensis (Organ Mountain eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera ornata
Oenothera ovata
Oenothera pallida (pale eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera paradoxa
Oenothera parodiana
Oenothera paruana
Oenothera parviflora (northern evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera patriciae (plains beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera pedemontana
Oenothera pedunculifolia
Oenothera pellegrinii
Oenothera pennellii
Oenothera perennis (little evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera peruana
Oenothera picensis
Oenothera pilosella (meadow evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera platanorum (Fort Huachuca evening primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera ploompuui
Oenothera podocarpa
Oenothera polgari
Oenothera prasina
Oenothera previpetala
Oenothera primiveris (desert evening primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera pripjatiensis
Oenothera psammophila (St. Anthony Dunes evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera pseudocernua
Oenothera pseudochicaginensis
Oenothera pseudoelongata
Oenothera pubescens (silky evening primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera pulcherrima
Oenothera punae
Oenothera punctulata
Oenothera purpurans
Oenothera puvescens
Oenothera pycnocarpa
Oenothera pyramidiflora
Oenothera racemosa
Oenothera ramosissima
Oenothera ravenii
Oenothera recurva
Oenothera resicum
Oenothera rhizomata
Oenothera rhombipetala (fourpoint evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera rigirubata
Oenothera riskindii
Oenothera rivadaviae
Oenothera rosea (rose eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera rostanskii
Oenothera royfraseri
Oenothera rubricalyx
Oenothera rubricaulis
Oenothera rubricauloides
Oenothera rudalis
Oenothera salicina
Oenothera sandiana
Oenothera santarii
Oenothera sarmentosa
Oenothera saxonica
Oenothera scabra
Oenothera scandinavica
Oenothera scitula
Oenothera seifrizii
Oenothera sericea
Oenothera serrulata (halfshrub calylophus) (Attributes)
Oenothera sesitensis
Oenothera siambonensis
Oenothera simulans (southern beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera sinuosa (wavyleaf beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera slovaca
Oenothera spachiana (Spach's evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera speciosa (pinkladies) (Attributes)
Oenothera spectabilis
Oenothera striata
Oenothera stricta (Chilean evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera stubbei
Oenothera stubelii
Oenothera stucchii
Oenothera suaveolens
Oenothera subincana
Oenothera subterminalis
Oenothera suffrutescens (Scarlet guara) (Attributes)
Oenothera suffulta (kisses) (Attributes)
Oenothera syrticola
Oenothera tacikii
Oenothera tafiensis
Oenothera tamrae
Oenothera taraxocoides
Oenothera tarijensis
Oenothera tenella
Oenothera tenuifola
Oenothera tetraptera (fourwing eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera texensis (Texas evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera tidestromii
Oenothera toumeyi (Toumey calylophus) (Attributes)
Oenothera triangulata (prairie beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera triloba (stemless evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera tubicula (Texas sundrops)
Oenothera tubifera
Oenothera tucumanensis
Oenothera unguiculata
Oenothera varigata
Oenothera velutina
Oenothera verrucosa
Oenothera versicolor
Oenothera victorinii
Oenothera villaricae
Oenothera villosa (hairy eveningprimrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera wienii
Oenothera wigginsii
Oenothera wolfii (Wolf's evening-primrose) (Attributes)
Oenothera wratislaviensis
Oenothera xenogaura (Drummond's beeblossom) (Attributes)
Oenothera xylocarpa (woodyfruit evening-primrose) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0