Diet Overlap

Phoca vitulina (Harbor Seal)
Pagophilus groenlandicus (Harp Seal)

Common Diet

Clupea harengus (Yawling)
Gadus morhua (rock cod)

Common Habitat

Auyuittuq National Park
Cape Breton Highlands National Park
Cape Cod National Seashore
Forillon National Park
Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve
North America
Prince Edward Island National Park
Saguenay - St. Lawrence Marine Park
Sirmilik National Park
Terra Nova National Park
Ukkusiksalik National Park
Wapusk National Park

Attributes / relations provided by
1The harbour seal Phoca vitulina as a predator in the Skagerrak. Haerkoenen, T | Heide-Joergensen, M-P, Ophelia. Vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 191-207 1991
2Diet of Harp Seals (Phoca groenlandica) in Divisions 2J and 3KL During 1991–93, J. W. Lawson, G. B. Stenson and D. G. McKinnon, NAFO Sci. Coun. Studies, 21: 143–154 (1994)