Diet Overlap

Felis silvestris (Wildcat)
Caracal caracal (Caracal)

Common Diet

Bathyergus suillus (Cape dune mole rat)
Madoqua guentheri (Günther's dik-dik)

Common Habitat

Aegean and Western Turkey sclerophyllous and mixed forests
Afghan Mountains semi-desert
Albany thickets
Amboseli National Park
Anatolian conifer and deciduous mixed forests
Angolan Miombo woodlands
Angolan montane forest-grassland mosaic
Angolan Mopane woodlands
Angolan Scarp savanna and woodlands
Arabian Desert and East Sahero-Arabian xeric shrublands
Arabian Peninsula coastal fog desert
Azerbaijan shrub desert and steppe
Azraq Wetland Reserve
Badghyz and Karabil semi-desert
Baluchistan xeric woodlands
Bontebok National Park
Cape Floristic Region
Cape West Coast Biosphere Reserve
Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests
Caspian lowland desert
Caucasus mixed forests
Central Afghan Mountains xeric woodlands
Central Anatolian deciduous forests
Central Asian northern desert
Central Asian riparian woodlands
Central Asian southern desert
Central Persian desert basins
Central Zambezian Miombo woodlands
Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa
Drakensberg alti-montane grasslands and woodlands
Drakensberg montane grasslands, woodlands and forests
East Afghan montane conifer forests
East African halophytics
East Saharan montane xeric woodlands
East Sudanian savanna
Eastern Afromontane
Eastern Anatolian deciduous forests
Eastern Anatolian montane steppe
Eastern Mediterranean conifer-sclerophyllous-broadleaf forests
Eastern Miombo woodlands
Eastern Zimbabwe montane forest-grassland mosaic
Elburz Range forest steppe
Eritrean coastal desert
Ethiopian montane forests
Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands
Etosha National Park
Etosha Pan halophytics
Europe & Northern Asia (excluding China)
Ghorat-Hazarajat alpine meadow
Golden Gate Highlands National Park
Guinean forest-savanna mosaic
Gulf of Oman desert and semi-desert
Highveld grasslands
Hobyo grasslands and shrublands
Horn of Africa
Indus River Delta-Arabian Sea mangroves
Indus Valley desert
Inner Niger Delta flooded savanna
Itigi-Sumbu thicket
Kalahari Acacia-Baikiaea woodlands
Kalahari Gemsbok National Park
Kalahari xeric savanna
Khathiar-Gir dry deciduous forests
Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve
Kopet Dag semi-desert
Kopet Dag woodlands and forest steppe
Kora National Park
Kuh Rud and Eastern Iran montane woodlands
Lake Chad flooded savanna
Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
Mamili National Park
Mandara Plateau mosaic
Maputaland-Pondoland bushland and thickets
Masai xeric grasslands and shrublands
Mediterranean acacia-argania dry woodlands and succulent thickets
Mediterranean Basin
Mediterranean conifer and mixed forests
Mediterranean dry woodlands and steppe
Mediterranean High Atlas juniper steppe
Mediterranean woodlands and forests
Mesopotamian shrub desert
Middle East steppe
Montane fynbos and renosterveld
Mujib Nature Reserve
Nama Karoo
Namib-Naukluft National Park
Namibian savanna woodlands
North Saharan steppe and woodlands
Northern Acacia-Commiphora bushlands and thickets
Northern Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
Northwestern thorn scrub forests
Paropamisus xeric woodlands
Persian Gulf desert and semi-desert
Rann of Kutch seasonal salt marsh
Red Sea Nubo-Sindian tropical desert and semi-desert
Registan-North Pakistan sandy desert
Repetek Biosphere Reserve
Richtersveld National Park
Saharan flooded grasslands
Saharan halophytics
Sahelian Acacia savanna
Skeleton Coast Game Park
Somali Acacia-Commiphora bushlands and thickets
Somali montane xeric woodlands
South Iran Nubo-Sindian desert and semi-desert
South Luangwa National Park
South Malawi montane forest-grassland mosaic
South Saharan steppe and woodlands
Southern Acacia-Commiphora bushlands and thickets
Southern Africa bushveld
Southern Anatolian montane conifer and deciduous forests
Southern Asia
Southern Miombo woodlands
Southern Rift montane forest-grassland mosaic
Southwestern Arabian foothills savanna
Southwestern Arabian montane woodlands
Succulent Karoo
Succulent Karoo
Sulaiman Range alpine meadows
Thar desert
Tibesti-Jebel Uweinat montane xeric woodlands
Tigris-Euphrates alluvial salt marsh
Tsitsikamma National Park
Wadi Rum Protected Area
West Caprivi Game Reserve
West Saharan montane xeric woodlands
West Sudanian savanna
Western Zambezian grasslands
Zagros Mountains forest steppe
Zambezian and Mopane woodlands
Zambezian Baikiaea woodlands
Zambezian coastal flooded savanna
Zambezian Cryptosepalum dry forests
Zambezian flooded grasslands

Attributes / relations provided by
1Bathyergus suillus (Rodentia: Bathyergidae), NIGEL C. BENNETT, CHRIS G. FAULKES, LEANNE HART, AND JENNIFER U. M. JARVIS, MAMMALIAN SPECIES 828:1–7 (2009)
2Madoqua guentheri, Steven C. Kingswood and Arlene T. Kumamoto, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 539, pp. 1-10 (1996)