Diet Overlap

Phocoena phocoena (Harbor Porpoise)
Phoca vitulina (Harbor Seal)

Common Diet

Clupea harengus (Yawling)
Doryteuthis opalescens (california market squid)
Doryteuthis pealeii (longfin inshore squid)
Merlangius merlangus (Whiting)
Trisopterus esmarkii (Norway pout)

Common Habitat

Agger Tange, Nissum Bredning, Skibsted Fjord og Agerø
Ålborg Bugt, Randers Fjord og Mariager Fjord
Atlantic, Eastern
Atlantic, Western
Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast
California Coast Ranges Biosphere Reserve
Cape Breton Highlands National Park
Cape Cod National Seashore
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Channel Islands National Park
Dornoch Firth and Morrich More
Dråby Vig
Farallon National Wildlife Refuge
Forillon National Park
Fyns Hoved, Lillegrund og Lillestrand
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve
Hamburgisches Wattenmeer
Havet og kysten mellem Karrebæk Fjord og Knudshoved Odde
Hesselø med omliggende stenrev
Hirsholmene, havet vest herfor og Ellinge Œs udløb
Indo-West Pacific
Kronotskiy Biosphere Reserve
Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh Reefs
Luce Bay and Sands
Løgstør Bredning, Vejlerne og Bulbjerg
Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve
Moray Firth
Morecambe Bay
Mount Arrowsmith
Nationalpark Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer
North Northumberland Dunes
NTP S-H Wattenmeer und angrenzende Küstengebiete
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
Pacific, Eastern Central
Point Reyes National Seashore
Prince Edward Island National Park
Redwood National Park
Røsnæs, Røsnæs Rev og Kalundborg Fjord
Saguenay - St. Lawrence Marine Park
SBZ 1 / ZPS 1
SBZ 2 / ZPS 2
SBZ 3 / ZPS 3
Sefton Coast
Severn Estuary/ Môr Hafren
Smålandsfarvandet nord for Lolland, Guldborg Sund, Bøtø Nor og Hyllekrog-Rødsand
Solway Firth
SPA Östliche Deutsche Bucht
Stavns Fjord, Samsø Østerflak og Nordby Hede
Sydlige Nordsø
Sylter Außenriff
Terra Nova National Park
The Wash and North Norfolk Coast
Vadehavet med Ribe Å, Tved Å og Varde Å vest for Varde
Venø, Venø Sund
Waddensea Area
Æbelø, havet syd for og Nærå

Attributes / relations provided by
1Summer Diet of the Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Estuary and the Northern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Pierre-Michel Fontaine, Mike O. Hammill, Cyrille Barrette, and Michael C. Kingsley, Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51(1): 172–178 (1994)
2The harbour seal Phoca vitulina as a predator in the Skagerrak. Haerkoenen, T | Heide-Joergensen, M-P, Ophelia. Vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 191-207 1991
3CephBase - Cephalopod (Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish and Nautilus) Database
4THE DIET OF HARBOUR PORPOISE (PHOCOENA PHOCOENA) IN THE NORTHEAST ATLANTIC, M. B. SANTOS & G. J. PIERCE, Oceanography and Marine Biology: an Annual Review 2003, 41, 355–390