Diet Overlap

Scyliorhinus canicula (Small-spotted catshark)
Phoca vitulina (Harbor Seal)

Common Diet

Micromesistius poutassou (Poutassou)

Common Habitat

Ascrib, Isay and Dunvegan
Firth of Lorn
Humber Estuary
Isle of Portland to Studland Cliffs
Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh Reefs
Luce Bay and Sands
Pembrokeshire Marine/ Sir Benfro Forol
Sefton Coast
St Kilda

Attributes / relations provided by
1Feeding habits and trophic levels of Mediterranean fish, Konstantinos I. Stergiou & Vasiliki S. Karpouzi, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 11: 217–254, 2002
2The harbour seal Phoca vitulina as a predator in the Skagerrak. Haerkoenen, T | Heide-Joergensen, M-P, Ophelia. Vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 191-207 1991