Diet Overlap

Spizelloides arborea (American Tree Sparrow)
Pholisora catullus (Common sootywing skipper)

Common Diet

Amaranthus retroflexus (rough pigweed)

Common Habitat

Badlands National Park
Calvin College Ecosystem Preserve
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Western Michigan University’s Asylum Lake

Attributes / relations provided by
1del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
2HOSTS - a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants Gaden S. Robinson, Phillip R. Ackery, Ian J. Kitching, George W. Beccaloni AND Luis M. Hernández