Diet Overlap

Larus argentatus (Herring Gull)
Cepphus grylle (Black Guillemot)

Common Diet

Mallotus villosus (Capelin)

Common Habitat

Acadia National Park
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Beara Peninsula SPA
Björns skärgård
Cape Breton Highlands National Park
Cape Cod National Seashore
Clare Island SPA
Cliffs of Moher SPA
Dee Estuary/ Aber Dyfrdwy
Deenish Island and Scariff Island SPA
Firth of Lorn
Forillon National Park
Fundy National Park
Gros Morne National Park
Helvick Head to Ballyquin SPA
Horn Head to Fanad Head SPA
Inishmurray SPA
Isle of Rum National Nature Reserve
Iveragh Peninsula SPA
Ivvavik National Park
Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct
Kirkkonummen saaristo (SPA)
Lambay Island SPA
Laplandskiy Biosphere Reserve
Loch Maree Complex
Luodon saaristo
Mid-Clare Coast SPA
Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve
Moray Firth
North America
Northwest Russian-Novaya Zemlya tundra
Novosibirsk Islands arctic desert
Ostrov Vrangelya (Wrangel Island) Zapovednik
Polar Bear Provincial Park
Prince Edward Island National Park
Queen Maud Gulf Bird Sanctuary
Saguenay - St. Lawrence Marine Park
Scandinavian and Russian taiga
Sheep's Head to Toe Head SPA
SPA Pommersche Bucht
Taimyr-Central Siberian tundra
Terra Nova National Park
Tory Island SPA
Ukkusiksalik National Park
Uudenkaarlepyyn saaristo
Virginia Coast Biosphere Reserve
Wapusk National Park
West Donegal Coast SPA

Attributes / relations provided by
1The role of capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the foodweb of the Barents Sea, A. V. Dolgov, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 59: 1034–1045. 2002