Diet Overlap

Gadus morhua (rock cod)
Larus argentatus (Herring Gull)

Common Diet

Crangon crangon (common shrimp)
Illex illecebrosus (northern shortfin squid)
Mallotus villosus (Capelin)

Common Habitat

Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast
Carmarthen Bay and Estuaries/ Bae Caerfyrddin ac Aberoedd
Firth of Lorn
Flamborough Head
Isles of Scilly Complex
Moray Firth
Pembrokeshire Marine/ Sir Benfro Forol
Sefton Coast
Y Fenai a Bae Conwy/ Menai Strait and Conwy Bay

Attributes / relations provided by
1Energy flow of a boreal intertidal ecosystem, the Sylt-Rømø Bight, Dan Baird, Harald Asmus, Ragnhild Asmus, Mar Ecol Prog Ser 279: 45–61, 2004
2Food of Northwest Atlantic Fishes and Two Common Species of Squid, Ray E. Bowman, Charles E. Stillwell, William L. Michaels, and Marvin D. Grosslein, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE-155 (2000)
3Feeding Spectrum and Trophic Relationships of Short-finned Squid (Illex illecebrosus) in the Northwest Atlantic, Yu. M. Froerman, NAFO Sci. Coun. Studies, 7: 67-75 (1984)
4Feeding Habits of Fish Species Distributed on the Grand Bank, Concepción González1, Xabier Paz, Esther Román, and María Hermida, NAFO SCR Doc. 06/31, Serial No. N5251 (2006)
5The role of capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the foodweb of the Barents Sea, A. V. Dolgov, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 59: 1034–1045. 2002