Attributes / relations provided by
♦ 1USDA Plants Database, U. S. Department of Agriculture
♦ 2Kattge, J. et al. (2011b)
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♦ 3Ben-Dov, Y., Miller, D.R. & Gibson, G.A.P.
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♦ 4HOSTS - a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants Gaden S. Robinson, Phillip R. Ackery, Ian J. Kitching, George W. Beccaloni AND Luis M. Hernández
♦ 5Jorrit H. Poelen, James D. Simons and Chris J. Mungall. (2014).
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♦ 6Norrbom, A.L. 2004.
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♦ 7del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.).
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♦ 8Artibeus jamaicensis, Jorge Ortega and Iván Castro-Arellano, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 662, pp. 19 (2001)
♦ 9Biological Records Centre
Database of Insects and their Food Plants♦ 10Brachyphylla cavernarum, Pierre Swanepoel and Hugh H. Genoways, Mammalian Species No. 205, pp. 1-6 (1983)
♦ 11Epomophorus gambianus, Margaret C. Boulay and C. Brian Robbins, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 344, pp. 1-5 (1989)
♦ 12Micropteropus pusillus, Noah T. Owen-Ashley and Don E. Wilson, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 577, pp. 1-5 (1998)
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♦ 15Phyllostomus hastatus, Mery Santos, Luis F. Aguirre, Luis B. Vázquez, and Jorge Ortega, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 722, pp. 16 (2003)
♦ 16Pteropus hypomelanus, Deborah P. Jones and Thomas H. Kunz, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 639, pp. 16 (2000)
♦ 17Sudhakaran, M.R. & P.S. Doss (2012).
Food and foraging preferences of three pteropo- did bats in southern India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 4(1): 2295-2303
♦ 18Pteropus tonganus, Carrie A. Miller and Don E. Wilson, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 552, pp. 1-6 (1997)
♦ 19Folivory in Fruit-Eating Bats, with New Evidence from Artibeus jamaicensis (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), Thomas H. Kunz and Carlos A. Diaz, Biotropica, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Mar., 1995), pp. 106-120
♦ 20Proyecto Tití♦ 21Flower-visiting insects of the Galapagos Islands, McCullen, C. K. 1993. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 69:95-106
♦ 22Species Interactions of Australia Database, Atlas of Living Australia, Version ala-csv-2012-11-19