Animalia > Chordata > Aves > Caprimulgiformes > Caprimulgidae > Antrostomus > Antrostomus ridgwayi

Antrostomus ridgwayi (Buff-collared Nightjar)

Synonyms: Caprimulgus ridgwayi
Language: Spanish

Wikipedia Abstract

The buff-collared nightjar (Antrostomus ridgwayi) is a small sized nightjar. Adults are dark with brown, grey, black, and white patterning on the upperparts and breast. The tail is dark brown, with darker finely barred markings throughout. The male has large white outer tail tips on the 3 outermost tail feathers. The female has buffy tail tips. The most distinguishing characteristic to determine its identity from its closest relative the Whip-poor-will is from where the bird gets its name. It shows a prominent buff-colored collar around its neck and nape. Its song is also very different. It sounds like an accelerating cuk, cuk, cuk, cuk, cuk, cukacheea.
View Wikipedia Record: Antrostomus ridgwayi


EDGE Analysis

Uniqueness Scale: Similiar (0) 
 Unique (100)
Uniqueness & Vulnerability Scale: Similiar & Secure (0) 
 Unique & Vulnerable (100)
ED Score: 12.1087
EDGE Score: 2.57328


Adult Weight [1]  48 grams
Diet [2]  Carnivore (Invertebrates)
Diet - Invertibrates [2]  100 %
Forages - Aerial [2]  10 %
Forages - Mid-High [2]  50 %
Forages - Understory [2]  30 %
Forages - Ground [2]  10 %
Clutch Size [3]  2
Nocturnal [2]  Yes


Protected Areas

Name IUCN Category Area acres Location Species Website Climate Land Use
Reserva de Mapimi Biosphere Reserve VI 849819 Chihuahua, Mexico  

Biodiversity Hotspots

Name Location Endemic Species Website
Madrean Pine-Oak Woodlands Mexico, United States No
Mesoamerica Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama No

Range Map

External References

NatureServe Explorer


Attributes / relations provided by
1Bowers, R. K., and J. B. Dunning, Jr. 1997. Buff-collared Nightjar (Caprimulgus ridgwayi). In A. Poole and F. Gill, editors. The Birds of North America, No. 267. The Birds of North America, Inc,, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C., USA.
2Hamish Wilman, Jonathan Belmaker, Jennifer Simpson, Carolina de la Rosa, Marcelo M. Rivadeneira, and Walter Jetz. 2014. EltonTraits 1.0: Species-level foraging attributes of the world's birds and mammals. Ecology 95:2027
3Jetz W, Sekercioglu CH, Böhning-Gaese K (2008) The Worldwide Variation in Avian Clutch Size across Species and Space PLoS Biol 6(12): e303. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060303
Ecoregions provided by World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF). WildFinder: Online database of species distributions, ver. 01.06 Wildfinder Database
Biodiversity Hotspots provided by Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
Abstract provided by DBpedia licensed under a Creative Commons License
Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0