Amphipithecus mogaungensis ("ape-like creature of Mogaung", derived from the Ancient Greek ἀμφί, amphi- meaning "around" and pithēkos, pithecus meaning "ape") was a primate that lived in Late Eocene Myanmar. Along with another primate Pondaungia cotteri, both are difficult to categorise within the Order Primates. What little is known suggests that they are neither adapiform or omomyid primates, two of the earliest primate groups to appear in the fossil record. Deep mandibles and mandibular molars with low, broad crowns suggest they are both simians, a group that includes monkeys, apes, and humans, though more material is needed for further comparison. The teeth also suggest that these were frugivore primates, with a body mass of 6–10 kilograms (13–22 lb).