Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Lamiales > Bignoniaceae

Bignoniaceae (Trumpet Creepers)

Synonyms: Crescentiaceae

Wikipedia Abstract

The Bignoniaceae, the bignonias, are a family of flowering plants in the order Lamiales. It is not known to which of the other families in the order it is most closely related. Nearly all of the Bignoniaceae are woody plants, but a few are subwoody, either as vines or subshrubs. A few more are herbaceous plants of high-elevation montane habitats, in three exclusively herbaceous genera: Tourrettia, Argylia, and Incarvillea. The family includes many lianas, climbing by tendrils, by twining, or rarely, by aerial roots. The largest tribe in the family, called Bignonieae, consists mostly of lianas and is noted for its unique wood anatomy.
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Adenocalymma (103)
Amphicome (1)
Amphilophium (amphilophium) (50)
Amphitecna (amphitecna) (23)   (10)
Anemopaegma (52)
Aplolophium (4)
Argylia (14)
Astianthus (1)
Bignonia (bignonia) (101)
Bignoniaceaespermum (1)
Bignoniaecarpum (1)
Bignonicapsula (1)
Bignoniophyllum (1)
Bignoniphyllum (1)
Bignonites (3)
Bignonoides (1)
Callichlamys (2)
Campsidium (1)
Campsis (campsis) (4)
Capsulocarpus (1)
Catalpa (catalpa) (18)
Catophractes (1)
Chilopsis (desert willow) (1)
Chitalpa (1)
Cleosma (1)
Colea (38)   (4)
Crecentia (1)
Crescentia (crescentia) (13)
Cuspidaria (25)
Cybistax (2)
Darmstadtia (1)
Delostoma (4)
Deplanchea (6)
Digomphia (3)
Dinklageodoxa (1)
Dipterospermum (1)
Dolichandra (9)   (1)
Dolichandrone (14)
Eccremocarpus (5)
Ekmanianthe (2)   (1)
Fernandoa (15)   (2)
Fridericia (68)
Godmania (2)
Hanburyophyton (2)
Handroanthus (38)   (2)
Heterophragma (2)
Hieris (1)
Incarvillea (23)
Jacaranda (jacaranda) (56)   (3)
Kigelia (sausage tree) (3)
Lamiodendron (1)   (1)
Lundia (21)
Manaosella (1)
Mansoa (garlicvine) (18)
Markhamia (7)
Martinella (5)
Millingtonia (4)
Neosepicaea (4)
Newbouldia (1)
Nycticalos (1)
Nyctocalos (5)
Oroxylum (1)
Osmohydrophora (1)
Pachyptera (6)
Pajanelia (1)
Pandorea (10)
Paratecoma (1)
Parmentiera (parmentiera) (10)   (3)
Pauldopia (1)
Perianthomega (1)
Perichlaena (1)
Phryganocydia (7)
Phyllarthron (21)   (10)
Phylloctenium (2)
Pithecoctenium (1)
Pleonotoma (19)
Podranea (podranea) (2)
Pyrostegia (pyrostegia) (2)
Radermachera (22)   (1)
Rhigozum (7)
Rhodocolea (15)   (1)
Romeroa (1)   (1)
Roseodendron (2)
Santisukia (2)
Sparattosperma (2)
Spathodea (Fountain Tree) (10)   (1)
Spirotecoma (4)   (1)
Stereospermum (29)   (5)
Stizophyllum (10)
Tabebuia (trumpet-tree) (80)   (4)   (1)
Tanaecium (23)
Tecoma (trumpetbush) (28)   (2)
Tecomanthe (6)
Tecomaria (2)
Tecomella (1)   (1)
Tourrettia (2)
Tynanthus (tynanthus) (25)
Xylophragma (11)
Zeyheria (4)

(...) = Species count
(...) = Endangered count
(...) = Invasive count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0