Memecylon is a genus of flowering plants in the family Melastomataceae. There are about 150 species. They are distributed mostly in the Old World tropics. Species include: \n* Memecylon angustifolium, Wight \n* Memecylon arnottianum, Wight ex Thwaites \n* Memecylon bequaertii, De Wild. \n* Memecylon candidum, Gilg \n* Memecylon capitellatum, L. \n* Memecylon cinereum, King \n* Memecylon clarkeanum, Cogn. \n* Memecylon confusum, Blume \n* Memecylon corticosum, Ridley \n* Memecylon cuneatum, Thwaites \n* Memecylon dasyanthum, Gilg & Ledermann ex Engl. \n* Memecylon discolor, Cogn. \n* Memecylon edule, Roxb. \n* Memecylon eleagni, Blume \n* Memecylon elegantulum, Thwaites \n* Memecylon ellipticum, Thwaites \n* Memecylon flavescens, Gamble \n* Memecylon floridum, Ridley \n* Memecylon gardneri,