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♦ 1Kattge, J. et al. (2011b)
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♦ 2Ben-Dov, Y., Miller, D.R. & Gibson, G.A.P.
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♦ 3Co-existence and niche segregation of three small bovid species in southern Mozambique, Herbert H.T. Prins, Willem F. de Boer, Herman van Oeveren, Augusto Correia, Jorge Mafuca and Han Olff, 2006 East African Wild Life Society, Afr. J. Ecol., 44, 186–198
♦ 4Seasonal variation in the diets of Bohor reedbuck, waterbuck and wildebeest in a moist dystrophic savanna in Tanzania, Stephanie Halsdorf, Bettina Gutbrodt, Harry Olde Venterink, Werner Suter, Peter J. Edwards, Doctoral Dissertation, ETH ZURICH, 2011
♦ 5Forage selection by African buffalo in the late dry season in two landscapes, Valerio A. Macandza, Norman Owen-Smith & Paul C. Cross, South African Journal of Wildlife Research 34(2): 113121 (October 2004)