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♦ 1Nathan P. Myhrvold, Elita Baldridge, Benjamin Chan, Dhileep Sivam, Daniel L. Freeman, and S. K. Morgan Ernest. 2015. An amniote life-history database to perform comparative analyses with birds, mammals, and reptiles. Ecology 96:3109
♦ 2Meiri, Shai (2019), Data from: Traits of lizards of the world: variation around a successful evolutionary design, Dryad, Dataset,
♦ 3ECOLOGY OF THE MEXICAN ALPINE BLOTCHED GARTER SNAKE (THAMNOPHIS SCALARIS), Javier Manjarrez, Crystian S. Venegas-Barrera, and Tamara García-Guadarrama, THE SOUTHWESTERN NATURALIST 52(2):258262 (2007)