Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Lepidoptera > Noctuidae > Thalpophila > Thalpophila matura

Thalpophila matura (Straw Underwing)


Wikipedia Abstract

The straw underwing (Thalpophila matura) is a moth of the family Noctuidae. It is found from North Africa West through South Europe and Central Europe. In the North it is in parts of Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Estonia. Further East the range stretches from southern Russia and Asia minor to the Caucasus. This species has a wingspan of 38–46 mm. The forewings are dark brown, often variegated with paler and reddish patches and usually with prominent whitish postterminal fascia. The hindwings are very distinctive, pale straw-coloured with a broad blackish band at the margin.
View Wikipedia Record: Thalpophila matura

Protected Areas

Prey / Diet

Aira caryophyllea (silver hairgrass)[1]
Calamagrostis arenaria (European beachgrass)[1]
Nardus stricta (matgrass)[1]
Poa annua (annual blue grass)[1]

Prey / Diet Overlap

External References


Attributes / relations provided by
1Biological Records Centre Database of Insects and their Food Plants
Abstract provided by DBpedia licensed under a Creative Commons License
Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0