Attributes / relations provided by
♦ 1Derived from
Allergy-Free Gardening OPALS™, Thomas Leo Ogren (2000)
♦ 2Kissling, W. Daniel et al. (2019), Data from: PalmTraits 1.0, a species-level functional trait database for palms worldwide, v4, Dryad, Dataset,
♦ 3Kattge, J. et al. (2011b)
TRY - a global database of plant traits Global Change Biology 17:2905-2935
♦ 4USDA Plants Database, U. S. Department of Agriculture
♦ 5Ben-Dov, Y., Miller, D.R. & Gibson, G.A.P.
ScaleNet 4 November 2009
♦ 6Seed dispersal by the Florida box turtle (Terrapene carolina bauri) in pine rockland forests of the lower Florida Keys, United States, Hong Liu, Steven G. Platt, Christopher K. Borg, Oecologia (2004) 138: 539546