Kaempferia rotunda is a plant species in the ginger family. It is native to China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan), India, Nepal, Assam, Bangladesh, Indochina, and widely cultivated elsewhere. It is reportedly naturalized in Java, Malaysia and Costa Rica. Kaempferia rotunda (blackhorm, Sanskrit: भूमीचम्पा, in Kannada: nela sampige, Hindi: भूमी चम्पा Malayalam: ചെങ്ങനീർകിഴങ്ങ് / മലങ്കൂവ) is a spicy plant with many medicinal uses in Ayurvedic and allopathic medicinal systems. This plant is also calledbhumi champa, Indian crocus, peacock ginger, and round-rooted galangale.