Plantae > Tracheophyta > Liliopsida > Arecales > Arecaceae > Livistona > Livistona benthamii

Livistona benthamii

Synonyms: Livistona holtzei; Livistona melanocarpa

Wikipedia Abstract

Livistona benthamii is a species of palm. This species is natural distribution is from Cape York to the Archer River in Queensland, the Northern Territory and New Guinea. It is a solitary palm found in open forest near areas that are annually inundated. An example may be seen on the Freshwater lake Walk at the Cairns aka. Flecker Botanical Garden.
View Wikipedia Record: Livistona benthamii


Allergen Potential [1]  Low
Fruit Conspicuous [2]  No
Leaf Type [3]  Evergreen
Height [2]  59 feet (18 m)

Protected Areas

Name IUCN Category Area acres Location Species Website Climate Land Use
Kakadu National Park II 4744348 Northern Territory, Australia


Cephrenes trichopepla (Yellow palmdart)[4]

External References


Attributes / relations provided by
1Derived from Allergy-Free Gardening OPALS™, Thomas Leo Ogren (2000)
2Kissling, W. Daniel et al. (2019), Data from: PalmTraits 1.0, a species-level functional trait database for palms worldwide, v4, Dryad, Dataset,
3Kattge, J. et al. (2011b) TRY - a global database of plant traits Global Change Biology 17:2905-2935
4Species Interactions of Australia Database, Atlas of Living Australia, Version ala-csv-2012-11-19
Abstract provided by DBpedia licensed under a Creative Commons License
Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0