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♦ 1Diet composition and resource partitioning in two small flatfish species in the German Bight, S. Schückel, A. Sell, I. Kröncke, H. Reiss, Journal of Sea Research 66 (2011) 195–204
♦ 2Food of sand smelt, Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810 (Pisces: Atherinidae) in the estuary of the Mala Neretva River (middle-eastern Adriatic, Croatia), VLASTA BARTULOVIC, DAVOR LUCIC, ALEXIS CONIDES, BRANKO GLAMUZINA, JAKOV DULCIC, DUBRAVKA HAFNER and MIRNA BATISTIC, SCI. MAR., 68 (4): 597-603 (2004)
♦ 3Jorrit H. Poelen, James D. Simons and Chris J. Mungall. (2014).
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♦ 4Effect of habitat selection on the dietary patterns of two triglid species, Mary Labropoulou, Athanasios Machias, Mar Ecol Prog Ser 173: 275-288, 1998