Notice (8): Trying to access array offset on value of type null [APP/Template/Birdareas/display.ctp, line 2]

Parque Nacional Serranía La Neblina IBA

Area:3,360,633 acres (1,360,000 hectares)
IBA Criteria:A1, A2, A3
Website:View website
Climate:View Climate Data
Köppen climate classification:Af (Climate: equatorial; Precipitation: fully humid)
Land Use:View Land Use Data


Name IBA Criteria  Website 
Campylopterus duidae (Buff-breasted Sabrewing)A2, A3
Cranioleuca demissa (Tepui Spinetail)A2, A3
Crax alector (Black Curassow)A3
Crypturellus duidae (Grey-legged Tinamou)A2, A3
Diglossa duidae (Scaled Flowerpiercer)A2, A3
Euphonia plumbea (Plumbeous Euphonia)A3
Galbula albirostris (Yellow-billed Jacamar)A3
Gymnopithys rufigula (Rufous-throated Antbird)A3
Harpia harpyja (Harpy Eagle)A1
Heliodoxa xanthogonys (Velvet-browed Brilliant)A2, A3
Herpsilochmus dorsimaculatus (Spot-backed Antwren)A2, A3
Heterocercus flavivertex (Yellow-crested Manakin)A3
Hylophilus brunneiceps (Brown-headed Greenlet)A3
Hylophilus sclateri (Tepui Greenlet)A3
Isleria guttata (Rufous-bellied Antwren)A3
Lanio fulvus (Fulvous Shrike-Tanager) 
Microbates collaris (Collared Gnatwren)A3
Microcerculus ustulatus (Flutist Wren)A2, A3
Mitu tomentosum (Crestless Curassow)A3
Monasa atra (Black Nunbird)A3
Myrmeciza disjuncta (Yapacana Antbird)A2, A3
Myrmeciza pelzelni (Grey-bellied Antbird)A2, A3
Myrmothera simplex (Tepui Antpitta)A2, A3
Myrmotherula ambigua (Yellow-throated Antwren)A2, A3
Nannopsittaca panychlora (Tepui Parrotlet)A2, A3
Neopelma chrysocephalum (Saffron-crested Neopelma)A3
Phylloscartes chapmani (Chapman's bristle tyrant)A2, A3
Phylloscartes nigrifrons (Black-fronted Tyrannulet)A2, A3
Pionites melanocephalus (Black-headed Parrot)A3
Pipra cornuta (Scarlet-horned Manakin)A2, A3
Selenidera nattereri (Tawny-tufted Toucanet)A3
Streptoprocne phelpsi (Tepui Swift)A2, A3
Topaza pyra (Fiery Topaz)A3
Troglodytes rufulus (Tepui Wren)A2, A3
Veniliornis cassini (Golden-collared Woodpecker)A3

Important Bird Area provided by BirdLife International (2010) Important Bird Areas. Downloaded from on 29/12/2010
Köppen climate classification provided by Kottek, M., J. Grieser, C. Beck, B. Rudolf, and F. Rubel, 2006: World Map of Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification updated. Meteorol. Z., 15, 259-263