Diet Overlap

Loxodonta africana (African Bush Elephant)
Rousettus aegyptiacus (Egyptian rousette)

Common Diet

Adansonia digitata (baobab)
Ficus sycomorus (sycamore fig)

Common Habitat

Albertine Rift montane forests
Amboseli National Park
Angolan montane forest-grassland mosaic
Angolan Scarp savanna and woodlands
Cameroonian Highlands forests
Cape Floristic Region
Central Zambezian Miombo woodlands
Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa
Drakensberg montane grasslands, woodlands and forests
East African montane forests
East Sudanian savanna
Eastern Afromontane
Eastern Arc forests
Ethiopian montane forests
Ethiopian montane grasslands and woodlands
Guinean forest-savanna mosaic
Guinean Forests of West Africa
Horn of Africa
Kahuzi-Biéga National Park
Kibale National Park
Knysna-Amatole montane forests
Kruger National Park
Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Reserve
KwaZulu-Cape coastal forest mosaic
Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
Mandara Plateau mosaic
Maputaland coastal forest mosaic
Mediterranean woodlands and forests
Montane fynbos and renosterveld
Mount Cameroon and Bioko montane forests
Northeastern Congolian lowland forests
Northern Acacia-Commiphora bushlands and thickets
Northern Zanzibar-Inhambane coastal forest mosaic
Northwestern Congolian lowland forests
Reserve Forestiere et de Faune du Dja
Serengeti volcanic grasslands
Southern Acacia-Commiphora bushlands and thickets
Southern Africa bushveld
Southern Miombo woodlands
Southern Zanzibar-Inhambane coastal forest mosaic
West Sudanian savanna
Western Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
Zambezian and Mopane woodlands

Attributes / relations provided by
1Forest elephant group composition, frugivory and coastal use in the Réserve de Faune du Petit Loango, Gabon, Bethan J. Morgan and P. C. Lee, African Journal of Ecology, Volume 45, Issue 4, pp. 519 - 526
2Rousettus egyptiacus, Gary G. Kwiecinski and Thomas A. Griffiths, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 611, pp. 1-9 (1999)
3Diet and distribution of elephant in the Maputo Elephant Reserve, Mozambique, Willem F. De Boer, Cornelio P. Ntumi, Augusto U. Correia and Jorge M. Mafuca, Afr. J. Ecol., 38, 188-201 (2000)
4"Fig-eating by vertebrate frugivores: a global review", MIKE SHANAHAN, SAMSON SO, STEPHEN G. COMPTON and RICHARD CORLETT, Biol. Rev. (2001), 76, pp. 529–572