Diet Overlap

Pecari tajacu (collared peccary)
Caracara plancus (Southern Crested Caracara)

Common Diet

Mauritia flexuosa (muriti)

Common Habitat

Apure-Villavicencio dry forests
Araya and Paria xeric scrub
Atlantic Coast restingas
Atlantic dry forests
Bahia coastal forests
Bahia interior forests
Bajío dry forests
Balsas dry forests
Beni savanna
Big Bend Biosphere Reserve
Bolivian Yungas
Bosque Mbaracayú Biosphere Reserve
Caaguazú National Park
Campos Rupestres montane savanna
Catatumbo moist forests
Cauca Valley dry forests
Cauca Valley montane forests
Central American Atlantic moist forests
Central American dry forests
Central American montane forests
Central American pine-oak forests
Central Mexican matorral
Chiapas Depression dry forests
Chiapas montane forests
Chimalapas montane forests
Chiquitano dry forests
Cordillera La Costa montane forests
Cordillera Oriental montane forests
Costa Rican seasonal moist forests
Defensores del Chaco National Park
Dzilam de Bravo
East Central Texas forests
Eastern Cordillera real montane forests
Edwards Plateau savanna
El Rey National Park
Estacion Biologica Beni
Guajira-Barranquilla xeric scrub
Guianan Freshwater swamp forests
Guianan Highlands moist forests
Guianan moist forests
Guianan savanna
Gurupa varzea
Iquitos varzea
Isthmian-Atlantic moist forests
Isthmian-Pacific moist forests
Itabó Biological Reserve
Jalisco dry forests
La Costa xeric shrublands
Lara-Falcón dry forests
Lesser Antillean dry forests
Madidi National Park
Magdalena Valley dry forests
Magdalena Valley montane forests
Magdalena-Urabá moist forests
Maracá Ecological Reserve
Maracaibo dry forests
Marajó varzea
Maranhao Babatu forests
Mato Grosso seasonal forests
Meseta Central matorral
Monte Alegre varzea
Motagua Valley thornscrub
Noel Kempff Mercado National Park
Northeastern Brazil restingas
Northwestern Andean montane forests
Oaxacan montane forests
Organ Pipe Cactus Biosphere Reserve
Orinoco Delta swamp forests
Orinoco wetlands
Padre Island National Seashore
Palo Verde National Park
Panamanian dry forests
Pantanos de Centla
Paraguana xeric scrub
Parque Nacional Iguazú
Parque Nacional Serranía San Luis
Patía Valley dry forests
Pernambuco coastal forests
Pernambuco interior forests
Petén-Veracruz moist forests
Purus varzea
Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian Ka'an
Reserva de la Biosfera El Cielo
Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra Gorda
Reserva del Noroeste
Río Negro National Park
Río Pilcomayo National Park
Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve
San Rafael, Reserva de Recursos Manejados
Santa Marta montane forests
Serra do Mar coastal forests
Sierra de los Tuxtlas
Sierra Madre de Chiapas moist forest
Sierra Madre de Oaxaca pine-oak forests
Sierra Madre del Sur pine-oak forests
Sierra Madre Occidental pine-oak forests
Sierra Madre Oriental pine-oak forests
Sinaloan dry forests
Sinú Valley dry forests
Sonoran desert
Sonoran-Sinaloan transition subtropical dry forest
South America
Southern Pacific dry forests
Talamancan montane forests
Tamaulipan matorral
Tamaulipan mezquital
Tehuacán Valley matorral
Texas blackland prairies
Tinfunqué National Park
Tocantins/Pindare moist forests
Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt pine-oak forests
Trinidad and Tobago moist forests
Uruguayan savanna
Venezuelan Andes montane forests
Veracruz dry forests
Veracruz moist forests
Veracruz montane forests
Western Ecuador moist forests
Western Gulf Coastal grasslands
Yucatán dry forests

Attributes / relations provided by
1Stay below water! - A Strategy to avoid Seed Predators - Seed Survival and Germination of Mauritia flexuosa in Southeastern Peru, Björn Johansson, Master Thesis, Linköpings universitet, 2009
2Avian frugivores feeding on Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) fruits in Central Brazil, Manrique Prada Villalobos and Marcelo Araújo Bagno, Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 20(1), 26‐29 (2012)