Diet Overlap

Fratercula cirrhata (Tufted Puffin)
Phoca vitulina (Harbor Seal)

Common Diet

Clupea harengus (Yawling)

Common Habitat

California Coast Ranges Biosphere Reserve
California Floristic Province
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Channel Islands National Park
Farallon National Wildlife Refuge
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve
Kronotskiy Biosphere Reserve
North America
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
Point Reyes National Seashore
Redwood National Park

Attributes / relations provided by
1HABITAT USE, DIET AND BREEDING BIOLOGY OF TUFTED PUFFINS IN PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND, ALASKA, John F. Piatt, Daniel D. Roby, Laird Henkel and Kriss Neuman, Northwestern Naturalist 78:102-109 (1997)
2The harbour seal Phoca vitulina as a predator in the Skagerrak. Haerkoenen, T | Heide-Joergensen, M-P, Ophelia. Vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 191-207 1991