Diet Overlap

Rissa tridactyla (Black-legged Kittiwake)
Uria lomvia (Thick-billed Murre)

Common Diet

Ammodytes marinus (sand eel)
Boreogadus saida (Polar cod)
Mallotus villosus (Capelin)

Common Habitat

Acadia National Park
Aleutian Islands Biosphere Reserve
Arctic desert
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Bering tundra
Cape Cod National Seashore
Chukchi Peninsula tundra
Elkhorn Slough Preserve
Forillon National Park
Gateway National Recreation Area
Gros Morne National Park
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve
Ivvavik National Park
Kamchatka Mountain tundra and forest tundra
Kamchatka-Kurile meadows and sparse forests
Kronotskiy Biosphere Reserve
Long Point Biosphere Reserve
Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve
Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve
North America
North-east Greenland National Park
Northwest Russian-Novaya Zemlya tundra
Novosibirsk Islands arctic desert
Ostrov Vrangelya (Wrangel Island) Zapovednik
Point Reyes National Seashore
Sikhote-Alinskiy Biosphere Reserve
Sirmilik National Park
South Sakhalin-Kurile mixed forests
St Kilda
Terra Nova National Park
Ukkusiksalik National Park
Virginia Coast Biosphere Reserve
Wrangel Island arctic desert

Attributes / relations provided by
1An estimate of summer food consumption of six seabird species in Iceland, K. Lilliendahl and J. Solmundsson, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 54: 624–630. 1997
2Notes on fishes in Hornsund fjord area (Spitsbergen), Jan Marcin WĘSLAWSKI and Wojciech KULIŃSKI, POLISH POLAR RESEARCH (POL. POLAR RES.) Vol. 10 No. 2 p. 241-250 (1989)