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Numenius phaeopus
Tringa semipalmata
Common Diet
Leptuca crenulata
(Mexican fiddler)
Pachygrapsus crassipes
(striped shore crab)
Common Habitat
Araya and Paria xeric scrub
Atlantic Forest
Bahamian pine mosaic
Bahamoan-Antillean mangroves
Bahia coastal forests
Baja California desert
Belizean pine forests
Bermuda subtropical conifer forests
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California Floristic Province
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California montane chaparral and woodlands
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Catatumbo moist forests
Central American Atlantic moist forests
Central American dry forests
Chocó-Darién moist forests
Costa Rican seasonal moist forests
Cuban cactus scrub
Cuban dry forests
Cuban moist forests
Cuban pine forests
Cuban wetlands
Enriquillo wetlands
Guajira-Barranquilla xeric scrub
Guianan Freshwater swamp forests
Guianan moist forests
Gulf of California xeric scrub
Hispaniolan dry forests
Hispaniolan moist forests
Hispaniolan pine forests
Isthmian-Atlantic moist forests
Isthmian-Pacific moist forests
Jalisco dry forests
Jamaican dry forests
Jamaican moist forests
La Costa xeric shrublands
Lara-Falcón dry forests
Leeward Islands moist forests
Lesser Antillean dry forests
Magdalena-Urabá moist forests
Maracaibo dry forests
Marajó varzea
Middle Atlantic coastal forests
Miskito pine forests
North America
Northeastern Brazil restingas
Northern California coastal forests
Orinoco Delta swamp forests
Pantanos de Centla
Paraguana xeric scrub
Pernambuco coastal forests
Petén-Veracruz moist forests
Puerto Rican dry forests
Puerto Rican moist forests
San Lucan xeric scrub
Serra do Mar coastal forests
Sierra de la Laguna dry forests
Sierra de los Tuxtlas
Sinaloan dry forests
Sonoran desert
Sonoran-Sinaloan transition subtropical dry forest
Southeastern conifer forests
Southern Pacific dry forests
Tamaulipan mezquital
Tawas Point State Park
Tocantins/Pindare moist forests
Trinidad and Tobago moist forests
Veracruz dry forests
Veracruz moist forests
Western Ecuador moist forests
Western Gulf Coastal grasslands
Windward Islands moist forests
Yucatán dry forests
Yucatán moist forests
Attributes / relations provided by
Lafferty, K. D., R. F. Hechinger, J. C. Shaw, K. L. Whitney and A. M. Kuris (in press)
Food webs and parasites in a salt marsh ecosystem. In Disease ecology: community structure and pathogen dynamics
(eds S. Collinge and C. Ray). Oxford University Press, Oxford.