Diet Overlap

Makaira nigricans (Ocean guard)
Cynoscion xanthulus (Corvina boquinaranja)

Common Diet

Mugil cephalus (gray mullet)

Common Habitat

Pacific, Eastern Central
United States

Attributes / relations provided by
1Diet of the blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, off the south coast of Portugal, Pedro Veiga, José Xavier, Carlos Assis and Karim Erzini
2Trophic structure and flows of energy in the Huizache–Caimanero lagoon complex on the Pacific coast of Mexico; Manuel J. Zetina-Rejón, Francisco Arreguı́n-Sánchez, Ernesto A. Chávez; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 57 (2003) 803–815